

筆頭筆者:病理診断科部長 柳田 恵理子
Eriko Yanagida, Akira Kubota, Hiroaki Miyoshi, Koichi Ohshima, Toshiro Kawakita, Toshihiko Murayama. The case of T-ALL presenting with NK phenotype after COVID-19 vaccination. Pathology - Research and Practice. 242 (2023) 154310. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prp.2023.154310
We present a 55-year-old man who had cervical lymph node swelling post vaccination for COVID-19. Hematological malignancy was suspected due to the presence of atypical lymphoid cells with an elevated IL-2R in laboratory data. Systemic lymph node swelling and hepatosplenomegaly were revealed in the computed tomography examination. Since a hematopoietic malignancy was suspected, bone marrow examination and lymph node biopsy were performed. Tumor cells were positive for CD7, CD56, cyCD3, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) evidenced through flow cytometry of the bone marrow and the lymph node. The histopathological findings showed monotonous tumor cell proliferation, the cells being positive for CD3 and TdT in the bone marrow and they were positive for CD3, TdT, and CD56 in lymph node. These findings suggested NK-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (NK-LL). NK-LL is a rare hematopoietic tumor consisting of natural killer (NK) precursor cells, and distinguishing between T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and NK-LL is difficult. Clonal T-cell receptor (TCR) β gene rearrangement by Southern blot hybridization was observed in the bone marrow. TCRβ rearrangement led to the final diagnosis of T-ALL. Treatment was started according to Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group (JALSG) Ph(-) ALL213 therapy. The causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and carcinogenesis is not clear, and more cases need to be studied in order to elucidate the relationship between the two factors.
筆頭著者:腎臓内科 吉井 隆一
Ryuichi Yoshii, Kengo Kajiwara, Naomichi Uemura, Koki Matsushita, Tomohumi Nakamura,
Masao Tomita, Masashi Mukoyama
Successful treatment with rituximab and plasmapheresis of renal involvement of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis: A case report
Ren Replace Ther 9, 9 (2023).
A 68-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of fever, renal dysfunction, eosinophilia, and the presence of MPO-ANCA. Based on the renal pathological examination which showed extravascular eosinophilic-predominant inflammation and crescentic glomerulonephritis, EGPA was diagnosed. Considering the acute kidney injury, prominent eosinophilia, and strongly positive anti-MPO antibodies, pulse steroid therapy was administered, followed by intravenous rituximab. Plasmapheresis was also provided (9 sessions). The eosinophil count was normalized, and renal dysfunction was reversed. The patient no longer requires dialysis. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare disorder characterized by asthma, eosinophilia, and systemic vasculitis. Renal involvement is not regarded as a prominent feature and the treatment is still under study.
Rituximab and plasmapheresis combined with systemic glucocorticoid therapy were found to be beneficial because the renal function and other clinical conditions were almost fully recovered. Thus, our treatment is highly effective against renal involvement of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
筆頭著者:外科 堀野 大智
Taichi Horino, Tatsunori Miyata, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Kosuke Ono, Asuka Ono, Yoshiyuki Tagayasu, Daichi Nomoto, Takao Mizumoto, Tatsuo Kubota, Nobutomo Miyanari, and Hideo Baba.
Shanghai fever, a fatal enteric illness, in an adult patient with neutropenia caused by treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome: A case report. Surg Case Rep. 2022
Background: Shanghai fever is a rare community-acquired enteric illness with sepsis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cases of Shanghai fever in pediatric patients have been reported; however, to the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of adult cases.
Case presentation: A 65-year-old man visited the emergency department with sudden onset of abdominal pain. He was diagnosed as treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome after treatment of follicular lymphoma. Moderate tenderness in the middle right abdominal quadrants was noted. Computed tomography showed abdominal free air with a small amount of effusion to the surrounding edematous small intestine, and we performed emergency exploration. During operation, we found multiple bowel perforations with patchy necrotic lesions. The patient was admitted to an intensive care unit postoperatively. Blood culture showed Pseudomonas aeruginosa. His condition improved; however, on the 8th postoperative day, the abdominal drain tube showed turbid drainage. We performed re-operation and found anastomotic leakage with two new bowel perforations. After the re-operation, the patient showed signs of septic shock and his general condition got worse, and the patient died due to multiple organ failure on the 12th postoperative day.
Conclusion: Shanghai fever may occur in an adult patient with neutropenia.
65歳男性が、突然発症の腹痛を主訴に救急外来を受診した。患者は濾胞性リンパ腫の治療後に生じた治療関連骨髄異形成症候群と診断されており、好中球減少の状態にあった。右上腹部に圧痛を認め、腹部CTでfree airと小腸周囲の腹水を認めたことから、小腸穿孔による汎発性腹膜炎と診断し試験開腹を行った。術中に斑状の多発小腸穿孔を認め、血液培養で緑膿菌を検出した。術後ICUで全身管理を行い一時は全身状態の改善を認めたものの、術後8日目に腹痛の再燃とドレーン排液の汚染を認めた。術後縫合不全と診断し開腹すると、縫合不全に加え、新たな小腸穿孔を認めた。その後も全身管理を継続するも敗血症性ショックが改善せず、術後12日目に死の転帰に至った。切除腸管の病理検査では穿孔部に桿菌の増殖を認め、血液培養の結果と合わせて緑膿菌感染による小腸穿孔と診断した。
筆頭著者:外科 宮田 辰徳
Miyata T, Matsumoto T, Nakao Y, Higashi T, Imai K, Hayashi H, Nitta H, Chikamoto A, Beppu T, Yamashita YI, Baba H. Major postoperative complications are associated with early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma following hepatectomy. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2022;407(6):2373-80.
Background and aim Early recurrence (ER) is a strong predictor of poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after hepatectomy. The aim of this study was to examine manageable factors associated with ER.
Methods Overall, 475 consecutive patients with primary HCC who underwent curative hepatectomy were included (R0/R1). We defined ER as recurrence within 2 years after hepatectomy and analyzed predictors for ER. We also defined postoperative complication as Clavien-Dindo classification grade III or IV.
Results ER after hepatectomy was observed in 209 cases (44.0%). Patients with ER had a significantly poor prognosis compared with those with late recurrence (log-rank p < 0.0001) and were more likely to be diagnosed with extrahepatic metastasis (p = 0.009). Significant predictors for ER were des-γ-carboxyprothrombin > 40 mAU/mL (odds ratio (OR) 2.06, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.36–3.14, p = 0.001), multiple tumors (OR 2.80 95%CI 1.83–4.32, p < 0.0001), cirrhosis (OR 1.53, 95%CI 1.01–2.32, p = 0.043), and postoperative complications (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.05–2.85, p = 0.032). Blood loss (OR 1.09, 95%CI 1.05–1.13, p < 0.0001) and cirrhosis (OR 1.74, 95%CI 1.05–2.86, p = 0.031) were significant predictors for postoperative complications.
Conclusions We should pay close attention to surgical associated- and disease-specific factors in hepatectomy for HCC to prevent ER.
術後合併症(Clavien-Dindo IIIa以上)は、肝細胞癌術後の早期再発と関連する
本研究では、肝細胞癌に対する初回肝切除術後の早期再発のリスク因子の一つがClavien-Dindo Classification Ⅲa以上の術後合併症であった。さらに術後合併症のリスク因子は、術中出血量および肝硬変症例であった。このことは、術中出血量を減らすこと、肝硬変症例に対する適切な術式や手術の適応を見極めることが術後合併症の予防、早期再発の減少、引いては長期予後の改善に重要であることを示唆している。Pringle法や下大静脈遮断、麻酔科医との連携による出血対策、さらには低侵襲治療の推進により、短期成績の改善を図ることが早期再発を減らし、長期成績の改善につながると考える。
筆頭著者:総合診療科 吉村 文孝
Fumitaka Yoshimura, Kotaro Kunitomo, Takahiro Tsuji, Junko Kubosaki. Milianʼs ear sign:A woman with a red ear. J Hosp Gen Med. 2022
A 62-year-old woman visited our clinic due to redness of the right ear that began the previous day. Physical examination revealed a slight fever (37. 6 ℃), chills, and heat and tenderness on her right ear and preauricular area. There were no blisters on, in, or around the ear. Otoscopy showed no abnormalities of the external auditory canal or tympanic membrane. Blood tests showed an elevated white blood cell count (11,600 cells/µL). Therefore, unilateral ear erysipelas was diagnosed. After oral amoxicillin for 7 days, the redness on the right ear and the preauricular area disappeared.
If a bacterial infection is suspected as the cause of the auricular redness, erysipelas, which involves infection of the epidermis that extends to the superficial dermis layer, can be diagnosed. The feature is called Milianʼ s ear sign. Cellulitis, in which the infection is mainly from the deep dermis to the subcutaneous adipose tissue, does not occur because the auricle has a thin dermis and lacks subcutaneous adipose tissue. Therefore, the diagnosis of erysipelas was made. The pathogenesis of red ears can be inferred by careful anatomical observation. Making the correct diagnosis is important because the treatment and prognosis vary according to the cause.
Milianʼs ear sign:片耳が赤い女性
耳介は真皮が薄く皮下組織がないため、主に真皮深層から皮下組織まで感染する蜂窩織炎は起こりえない。そのため耳介に及ぶ顔面紅斑の原因として細菌感染が疑われる場合、丹毒と診断できる。この所見をMilianʼs ear signと呼ぶ。Milian’s ear signのように、解剖学的構造から病態を推測することは重要な視点であり、臨床的に意義のある所見と考える。
筆頭筆者:総合診療科 國友 耕太郎
Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Tsuji T. A Common Diagnosis Delayed by Three "Wrong Footing" Anchoring Errors - it is Difficult to Remember What You Have Forgotten. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2022 Nov 9;9(11):003615.
A 40-year-old man presented to our emergency department with persistent lower left abdominal pain with a fever of 38 ℃ from a day earlier. He had a good appetite and repeatedly complained of severe constipation at the time of his visit. Physical examination revealed tenderness in the lower left abdomen without a peritoneal sign. Abdominal ultrasound and non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a left hydroureter. The next day, a radiologist pointed out the possibility of appendicitis. An urgent laparoscopic appendectomy was performed. The intriguing point of this case is the diagnostic delay because of three anchoring biases. First, the typical right lower abdominal pain of appendicitis was shielded by the intense left lower abdominal pain. Moreover, the presence of a left hydroureter distracted the physicians from the actual location of the pain. Furthermore, the presence of constipation anchored the physicians to constipation as the cause of abdominal pain. If a patient has unexplained lower left abdominal pain, it is advisable to deploy a "searchlight" strategy. When a hydroureter was found to have no apparent source obstruction, a vertical tracing strategy should have been undertaken to detect its root cause. To avoid the wrong diagnosis through anchoring bias, pivot and cluster strategy - deploying differential diagnosis specific to the initial diagnosis (constipation in this case) - should be adopted at the start, considering the important differential diagnosis and thus preventing a missed diagnosis.
筆頭著者:総合診療科 國友 耕太郎
Kunitomo K, Harada T, Watari T. Cognitive biases encountered by physicians in the emergency room. BMC Emerg Med. 2022 Aug 26;22(1):148.
Background: Diagnostic errors constitute an important medical safety problem that needs improvement, and their frequency and severity are high in emergency room settings. Previous studies have suggested that diagnostic errors occur in 0.6-12% of first-time patients in the emergency room and that one or more cognitive factors are involved in 96% of these cases. This study aimed to identify the types of cognitive biases experienced by physicians in emergency rooms in Japan. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey using Nikkei Medical Online (Internet) from January 21 to January 31, 2019. Results: A total of 387 physicians were included. The most common cognitive biases were overconfidence (22.5%), confirmation (21.2%), availability (12.4%), and anchoring (11.4%). Of the error cases, the top five most common initial diagnoses were upper gastrointestinal disease (22.7%), trauma (14.7%), cardiovascular disease (10.9%), respiratory disease (7.5%), and primary headache (6.5%). The corresponding final diagnoses for these errors were intestinal obstruction or peritonitis (27.3%), overlooked traumas (47.4%), other cardiovascular diseases (66.7%), cardiovascular disease (41.4%), and stroke (80%), respectively. Conclusions: A comparison of the initial and final diagnoses of cases with diagnostic errors shows that there were more cases with diagnostic errors caused by overlooking another disease in the same organ or a disease in a closely related organ.
診断エラーは医療安全面で非常に重要な課題であり、その頻度と重症度の高い場所の一つが救急外来である。これまでの研究で、救急外来での初診患者の0.6-12%に診断エラーが発生し、その96%に1つ以上の認知バイアスが関与していることが示唆されている。本研究では、日本の救急外来で医師が経験する認知バイアスの種類を明らかにすることを目的とした。2019年1月21日から1月31日まで、日経メディカル オンライン(インターネット)を用いてアンケート調査を実施した。合計387名の医師が対象となった。認知バイアスで多かったのは、自信過剰バイアス(22.5%)、確証バイアス(21.2%)、利用可能性バイアス(12.4%)、錨おろしバイアス(11.4%)であった。診断エラー症例のうち,上位5つの初期診断は、上部消化管疾患(22.7%)、外傷(14.7%)、心疾患(10.9%)、呼吸器疾患(7.5%)および頭痛(6.5%)であった。これらの診断エラーに対応する最終診断は、それぞれ腸閉塞または腹膜炎(27.3%)、見落とされた外傷(47.4%)、その他の心疾患(66.7%)、心血管疾患(41.4%)、脳卒中(80%)であった。日本における認知バイアスは、先行研究とほぼ一致していた。また、診断エラー症例の初期診断と最終診断を比較すると、同じ臓器の別の疾患や近い臓器の疾患を見落としたことによる診断エラー症例が多くみられた。
筆頭著者:総合診療科 國友 耕太郎
Kunitomo K, Uemura N, Shimizu T, Hayano S, Tsuji T. Skin and soft tissue infections and bacteremia caused by Vibrio cincinnatiensis. IDCases. 2022 Jul 8;29:e01564.
Vibrio cincinnatiensis is a halophilic species found in marine and estuarine environments worldwide. It is a rare pathogen whose impact on humans has remained unclear; only two cases of V. cincinnatiensis infection have been reported in humans, so far. A 63-year-old man with a history of myocardial infarction and type 2 diabetes mellitus presented to the emergency department with fever and dyspnea. Physical examination demonstrated notable abdominal distension and bilateral lower leg edema. marked abdominal distension and bilateral lower leg edema. The patient was diagnosed with bacteremia and exacerbated heart failure. Blood and skin cultures revealed the presence of the gram-negative pathogen V. cincinnatiensis. Combined antibiotic therapy using intravenous tazobactam /piperacillin resulted in a gradual recovery with no recurrence observed at the 9-month follow-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is the third case of V. cincinnatiensis infection reported in humans and the first one to be associated with skin and soft tissue infection. We suggest that although V. cincinnatiensis is a rare pathogen, it should be considered as a potential infective agent in the differential diagnosis of immunocompromised patients, regardless of any recent exposure to seawater or marine products.
Vibrio cincinnatiensis による皮膚軟部組織感染症および菌血症
Vibrio cincinnatiensis は、世界中の海洋および河口域に生息する好塩性細菌である。これまで、V. cincinnatiensisのヒトへの感染例は2例しか報告されておらず、ヒトへの影響は不明であった。心筋梗塞と2型糖尿病の既往がある63歳の男性が、発熱と呼吸困難のため救急搬送された。身体所見では、顕著な腹部膨満と両下腿浮腫を認めた。患者は菌血症と心不全の増悪と診断された。血液と皮膚の培養からV. cincinnatiensisが検出された。海水への暴露歴はなかった。tazobactam / piperacillinの抗菌薬治療により改善した。本例は、ヒトで報告された3例目のV. cincinnatiensis感染症であり、皮膚軟部組織感染を伴う症例は初めてである。V. cincinnatiensisはまれな病原体であるが、海水や海産物への曝露の有無にかかわらず、免疫不全患者の鑑別診断において潜在的な感染因子として考慮すべきことを示唆するものである。
筆頭著者:歯科口腔外科 谷口 広祐
Kosuke Taniguchi, Mifumi Nakao, Mana Hayakawa, Kumiko Mori and Takeshi Nakashima. A case of synchronous multiple oral papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and gingiva. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol. 2022
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) is a rare disease that occurs mainly in the larynx and oropharynx in the head and neck region, and has rarely been reported in the oral cavity. In this study, we report a case of oral papillary squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) involving the tongue and gingiva simultaneously.
A 70-year-old woman who was admitted to the department of cardiothoracic surgery at our hospital for conservative treatment of Stanford type B aortic dissection was referred to our department for oral examination and treatment because of a mass at the apex of her tongue and inadaptation of dentures. Intraoral examination revealed a 26×21-mm soft elastic papillary mass with a coarse surface on the tip of the tongue and a 27×18-mm well-circumscribed exophytic papillary mass on the left side of the lower gingiva. Biopsy was performed under local anesthesia and the masses were diagnosed as carcinoma in situ (CIS). She underwent resection of the tongue and left mandibular gingival tumors under general anesthesia. A 7-mm margin was made for tumor resection. The histopathological diagnosis was OPSCC at both sites. On immunohistochemical examination, pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) staining was positive and p16 staining was negative. The MIB-1 index was 36.3% and p53-positive cells accounted for 4.4%. After 18 months, the patient has been well with no recurrence, but careful long-term monitoring is required.
今回われわれは,舌と歯肉に同時性に生じた口腔乳頭状扁平上皮癌の1例を経験した。症例は、70歳女性で2020年3月Stanford B型大動脈解離を認め当院心臓外科で保存治療目的に入院となり,舌尖部の腫瘤および義歯不適合を認めたため口腔内精査加療依頼で当科紹介となった.口腔内は舌尖部に26×21mmの表面粗造・弾性軟の乳頭状有茎性腫瘤を,左側下顎臼歯部舌側歯肉に27×18mmの表面粗造・弾性硬の広基性腫瘤を認めた.外来局所麻酔下に生検を行ったところ、どちらも上皮内癌の診断を得たため,2020年5月全身麻酔下に舌および左側下顎歯肉の腫瘍切除術を施行した.病理組織学的診断はいずれも口腔乳頭状扁平上皮癌であった。乳頭状扁平上皮癌は頭頸部では主に喉頭、中咽頭、上咽頭の粘膜に生じる稀な疾患であり、口腔での報告は少ない。さらに、口腔多発症例の報告は1例も認めないため、われわれが渉猟し得る限りでは本症例が世界初の報告となる。中咽頭における乳頭状扁平上皮癌はヒトパピローマウィルスとの関連性も示唆されているが,口腔乳頭状扁平上皮癌は報告によりさまざまで因果関係に関する統一見解は得られていない.発生原因は不明であるが、今後も検討を行う必要があると考えられた。
筆頭著者:小児科 平井 奈美
Nami Hirai, Mika Ogata, Jun Kido, Masashi Nakamura, Nayu Sato, Nobue Takamatsu, Naoshi Shimojo, Yuji Aok, Kayoko Matsunaga, Tomoyuki Mizukami
Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis Caused by Carrots: A Case Report
Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol. 2022 Dec;35(4):166-169
Background: Most cases of food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) are caused by eating wheat or crustaceans. However, fruits or vegetables may rarely act as allergens for FDEIA. We report a rare case of FDEIA caused by eating carrots. Case Presentation: An 8-year-old boy developed an anaphylactic reaction while playing, after eating lunch that included cooked carrots. Serum carrot-specific immunoglobulin E level was 0.19 UA/mL. The prick-by-prick test for raw carrots was positive (wheal diameter: 4 mm). The patient developed urticaria after exercise provocation tests following ingestion of raw carrots. Carrot proteins were analyzed by 2-dimensional Western blotting to identify the causative allergens. Nine proteins were identified as candidate antigens at 21-66 kDa. Conclusions: Our patient presented with FDEIA symptoms after ingesting both raw and cooked carrots. Both raw and cooked carrots contain 9 proteins that may induce FDEIA.
<背景>食物依存性運動誘発性アナフィラキシー (FDEIA)は、小麦や甲殻類を原因抗原として、学童期に発症することが多い。我々は、ニンジンによりFDEIAを起こした例を経験したため報告した。
<症例> 8 歳男児、給食後に遊んでいるときにアナフィラキシーを起こし救急搬送となるエピソードを3回繰り返した。問診およびプリックテスト(膨疹径:4mm)を参考に経口運動負荷試験を施行し、人参によるFDEIAと診断した。Dau c 5タンパクを原因抗原とした生のニンジンにアレルギー反応を起こす報告はあるが、児の血清ニンジン特異的免疫グロブリン E レベルは 0.19 UA/mL で、調理したニンジンにも症状を呈したため、未知責任抗原の存在が疑われた。アレルゲンエピトープの検索のため、ニンジンタンパク質を 2 次元ウェスタンブロッティングによって分析し、患者血清と反応させたところ、候補抗原として21 ~ 66 kDa の9 つのタンパク質が示された。
<結論>生ニンジンのみに反応する既報と異なり、加熱ニンジンに対しても症状を示すニンジンアレルギーを経験した。責任アレルゲンは今回特定できなかったが、生と加熱人参の両方にFDEIA を示す場合、 この9 種類のタンパク質のいずれかが原因となる可能性が示された。
筆頭著者:消化器内科部長 杉和洋
Kazuhiro Sugi, Akinori Nakata, Shotaro Ishii, Taichi Matsuyama.
International cooperation on health and medical care for viral hepatitis: 30 years of activities on comprehensive viral hepatitis control of the JICA group training program for developing countries.
Glob Health Med. 2021
The National Hospital Organization Kumamoto Medical Center has conducted a group training course for health care workers (HCW) from developing countries on viral hepatitis and its related diseases in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency, for 30 years. In the first 10 years, the course included acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL), and hepatitis. Following the discovery of the hepatitis C virus and the genotype of the hepatitis B virus, and development of treatments for hepatitis, viral-related cirrhosis, and cancer, the course was divided into two courses. In 2015, the hepatitis training course was renewed as the "Comprehensive Countermeasure for Virus Hepatitis", which ended its role in February 2018. Between 1998 and 2017, 175 HCW from 43 countries, including 36 participants from Egypt, participated. Between October 11 and 20, 2019, we conducted a follow-up survey of the results of the training and conducted a field visit on hepatitis control in Egypt.
筆頭著者:心臓血管外科副部長 田中睦郎
Mutsuo Tanaka, Minoru Okamoto, Kensho Yamashita: Cardiac surgery for patients with schizophrenia; Clinical experience of six patients: Surgery Today. 2022 Apr;52(4):567-573. doi: 10.1007/s00595-021-02369-4. Epub 2021 Sep 4
<Purpose> In Japan, 792,000 people are treated for schizophrenia. The incidence of schizophrenia in Japan is 0.7%, which is similar worldwide. The mortality rate of patients with schizophrenia is reported to be higher than that of the general population, and cardiovascular disease is high among the causes of death. Hence, strategies for cardiovascular surgery for patients with schizophrenia are necessary.
<Methods> We studied six patients with schizophrenia (five males, one female) who underwent cardiac surgery between April 2008 and December 2019 in our hospital.
<Result> The mean age was 63.6 years. The surgical procedures were as follows: coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) (n = 4), CABG concomitant with valve procedures (n = 1), and resection of myxoma (n = 1). There were no major cardiovascular complications and no other fatal complications. The mean observation period was 1510.6 ± 1430.1 (140-4068) days, the mean postoperative hospital stay was 17.8 ± 3.5 (13-22) days, and mortality within 30 days after surgery was none.
During the observation period, one patient died, and the survival rate was 83.3% for 1, 3, and 5 years.
<Conclusion> Cardiac surgery for patients with schizophrenia is possible under careful indications and perioperative management.
筆頭筆者:総合診療科 國友耕太郎
Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Harada Y. A Case of Multiple Ring-Shaped Aphthae Without Pseudomembranous Colitis. Am J Med Sci. 2022 Mar;363(3):e25-e26.
A woman in her 50s was admitted with a three -day history of severe lower abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. Three weeks before, the patient was admitted to a hospital for “gastroenteritis”, complaining of abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea, which resolved only by intravenous fluid alone. Laboratory tests and computed tomography of the abdomen revealed no abnormalities. The stool occult blood test was positive, and stool culture resulted in no findings suggesting infection. Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed, and diffuse inflammation with multiple ring-shaped aphthae was found throughout the colon, especially in the sigmoid colon. Referring to her medical history, the only information possibly related to the cause of her symptoms was her recent hospitalization. Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection, a hospital-acquired infection, was suspected as a potential cause of aphthous colitis. The patient’s stool was tested, showing positive glutamate dehydrogenase and nucleic acid amplification tests for C. difficile. The patient was diagnosed with mild C. difficile colitis. She was treated using oral vancomycin 125 mg four times daily for ten days. Her symptoms disappeared and there had been no recurrence for six months.
偽膜性大腸炎を伴わない多発性の環状アフタであったClostridioides difficile 腸炎の症例
50歳代の女性が、3日前からの下腹部痛と水様性下痢のために受診した。3週間前に胃腸炎で入院し、点滴のみで軽快したという病歴が聴取された。身体所見では左下腹部の圧痛があったが、血液検査や腹部CTでは異常所見はなかった。便潜血検査は陽性で、便培養は感染を示唆する所見はなかった。繰り返す腹痛の評価のため下部消化管内視鏡検査を行ったところ、S状結腸を中心に結腸全体に多発性の環状アフタを伴うびまん性の炎症が認められた。組織学的所見では間質への炎症性細胞の浸潤を認めた。病歴で症状の原因と考えられるのは、最近入院したことのみであったので、アフタ性大腸炎の原因としてClostridioides difficile(C. difficile)感染症が疑われ、検査したところ、C. difficile腸炎の診断に至った。患者はバンコマイシン125 mgを1日4回を10日間経口投与された。症状は消失し、6か月間再発はみられなかった。
この症例のように、C. difficile腸炎では、偽膜性腸炎ではなく、アフタ性腸炎の所見であるCaseが約40%でみられ、アフタ性腸炎の所見であることは、偽膜性大腸炎を形成する状態より軽症であることが多い。また、病歴を再確認した時に、最近入院歴があることが分かったため、C. difficile感染が鑑別疾患にあげることができた。
したがって、臨床医は、下痢と大腸の複数のアフタ性潰瘍を持つ患者ではC. difficile感染のリスクがあるかどうかを尋ねる必要がある。
筆頭筆者:総合診療科研修医 濵小路美貴
Hamashoji M, Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Tsuji T. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Psychiatric Patient Mistaken for Indefinite Complaints. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2022 Mar 22;9(3):003242.
Carbon monoxide (CO) binds to haemoglobin with a much higher affinity than oxygen, forming carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb), which impairs oxygen transport and utilization. As CO concentrations can easily peak in closed environments, non-fire-related CO poisoning can also occur. However, because CO poisoning is often a nonspecific clinical finding, it can result in a diagnostic error. This report details the misdiagnosis of a 42-year-old male patient with psychiatric disorders. The patient presented to the hospital with dizziness, abdominal pain and nausea on multiple occasions. His symptoms were ascribed to his psychiatric conditions. On his fifth visit, we diagnosed the patient with CO poisoning. It is apparent that this patient was misdiagnosed because of his medical history, and standard analysis was overlooked. When patients with psychiatric disorders have nonspecific symptoms, it is important to check for urgent underlying conditions during diagnosis. Patients with psychiatric disorders who present with nonspecific symptoms should be evaluated for underlying conditions, including carbon monoxide poisoning.Physicians must make every effort to obtain the accurate medical history of patients with psychiatric disorders.
筆頭著者:脳神経外科レジデント 宮﨑愛里
Miyazaki A, Nakagawa T, Matsuura J, Takesue Y, Otsuka T: Surgical Safety Criteria for Burr Hole Surgery with Urokinase in Patients with Acute Subdural Hematoma: Retrospective Comparison between Burr Hole Surgery and Craniotomy. Surgical Neurology International, 2021
Background: Acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) is a common disease and craniotomy is the first choice for removing hematoma. However, patients for whom craniotomy or general anesthesia is contraindicated are increasing due to population aging. In our department, we perform burr hole surgery under local anesthesia with urokinase administration for such patients. We compared the patient background and outcomes between burr hole surgery and craniotomy to investigate the surgical safety criteria for burr hole surgery.
Methods: We reviewed 24 patients who underwent burr hole surgery and 33 patients who underwent craniotomy between January 2010 and April 2020 retrospectively.
Results: The median age of the burr hole surgery group was older (p=0.01) and they had multiple pre-existing conditions. Compared with the craniotomy group, neurological deficits and CT findings were minor in the burr hole surgery group, whereas the maximum hematoma thickness was not significantly different. The hematoma was excreted after a total of 54,000 IU of urokinase was administered for a median of 3 days. The GCS score improved in all patients in the burr hole surgery group and there were no deaths. Age, especially over 65 y.o., (OR 1.16, 95%CI 1.04-1.30) and the absence of basal cistern disappearance (OR 0.04, 95%CI 0.004-0.39) were significant factors.
Conclusions: Burr hole surgery was performed safely in all patients based on the age, especially older than 65 y.o., and the absence of basal cistern disappearance. ASDH in the elderly is increasing and less invasive burr hole surgery with urokinase is suitable for the super-aging society.
筆頭著者:放射線治療科 山口晃世
Kohsei Yamaguchi, Tetsuo Saito, Ryo Toya. Radiotherapy for painful lymph node metastases: A secondary analysis of a prospective observational study. Radiat Oncol. 2021 Sep 16;16(1):178.
Background and purpose: There is limited evidence concerning radiotherapy for painful lymph node metastases (PLM). We evaluated the effectiveness of radiotherapy for PLM using the International Consensus Endpoint in a subgroup analysis of a prospective observational study.
Materials and methods: In the primary study, 302 patients received radiotherapy for painful tumors. Among them, those treated with palliative radiotherapy for PLM were analyzed in the present study. We used the Brief Pain Inventory short form to evaluate the intensity of pain and the pain interference in patient's life. We collected the Brief Pain Inventory and analgesic data at baseline and at 1, 2, and 3 months after the start of radiotherapy. Pain response was assessed using the International Consensus Endpoint. Patients were diagnosed with a predominance of other pain (POP) if non-index pain of a malignant or unknown origin was present and had a greater 'worst pain' score than the index pain.
Results: Radiotherapy for PLM was performed on 25 patients. In total, 15 (60%) patients experienced a pain response. The pain response rates for evaluable patients were 66%, 67%, and 57% at 1-, 2-, and 3-month follow-ups, respectively. At baseline and at 1, 2, and 3 months, the median index pain scores were 7, 2, 0, and 0.5, respectively. At 1 month, all pain interference scores were significantly reduced from baseline. Four (16%) patients experienced POP within three months.
Conclusion: Radiotherapy for PLM improved pain intensity and pain interference. Palliative radiotherapy may be a viable treatment option for PLM.
有痛性リンパ節転移への緩和的放射線治療: 前向き研究のサブグループ解析
有痛性リンパ節転移(painful lymph node metastases :PLM)に対する放射線治療のエビデンスは限られている。有痛性腫瘍に対する放射線治療の前向き観察研究のサブグループ解析を行い、PLMに対する放射線治療の有効性を評価した。
有痛性腫瘍に対して放射線治療を受けた302名の内、PLMに対する緩和的放射線治療を受けた患者を本研究で分析した。痛みの強さと生活に対する痛みの干渉を評価するために Brief Pain Inventory を使用した。照射開始日とその1、2、3カ月目に Brief Pain Inventory と鎮痛薬のデータを収集した。奏効は International Consensus Endpoint により評価した。放射線治療対象の痛みよりも強い痛みが他部位に存在した場合、「他の痛みの優勢」と判定した。
対象は25名の患者で、15名(60%)の患者が奏効を経験した。評価可能な患者での奏効率は、1、2、3ヶ月目でそれぞれ66%、67%、57%であった。開始日、1、2、3ヶ月後の疼痛スコア(0-10の11段階評価)の中央値はそれぞれ、7、2、0、0.5であった。1ヵ月後での pain interference score は全項目で開始日から有意に減少した。4名(16%)の患者が3ヵ月以内に他の痛みの優勢を経験した。
筆頭著者:小児科副部長 緒方美佳
Mika Ogata, Jun Kido, Kimitoshi Nakamura.
Oral Immunotherapy for Children with Cow's Milk Allergy.
Pathogens. 15;10(10):1328. 2021
Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is one of the most common IgE-dependent food allergies in children. Some children develop severe and persistent CMA, with near-fatal reactions after exposure to trace amounts of cow's milk (CM). Because milk and dairy products are included in various processed food products, it is difficult to completely remove milk, which negatively affects the quality of life of children with CMA. Oral immunotherapy (OIT) can alleviate food allergen-induced anaphylaxis under continuous ingestion of a little of the causative food. Children with severe CMA may benefit from OIT, but the treatment requires a long time and poses a risk of anaphylaxis. Moreover, in recent years, new therapies, including omalizumab, sublingual immunotherapy, and epicutaneous immunotherapy, have played the role of optional OIT. In this review, we present the current methods of and other attempts at OIT, and discuss OIT for safely treating CMA.
筆頭筆者:総合診療科研修医 上村将太
Uemura S, Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Tsuji T. Characteristic speech qualities associated with hypothyroidism. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Mar 24;15(3):e244173.
A 40-year-old man presented with complaints of proximal muscle fatigue in the jaw muscles and upper extremities; he had gained 5 kg over a 2-month period with no fever, temporal pain, myalgia, diplopia, ptosis, dysphagia, skin symptoms, cold dysphoria, constipation, or depression. Vital signs were normal. Vocalizations were slow, deep, and nasal. Blood tests showed elevated creatine kinase and total cholesterol. Thyroid function tests revealed a free T4 of 0.14 ng/dL (normal range: 0.90-1.70 ng/dL) and a thyroid-stimulating hormone level of >100 μIU/mL (normal range: 0.35-4.94 μIU/mL). Tests for anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies were both positive, and the patient was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease and started on levothyroxine sodium. 6 weeks later, thyroid hormone levels normalized, and speech rate and voice quality improved, as well as symptoms.
40 歳の男性が、顎筋と上肢の近位筋疲労を訴えて受診した。バイタルサインは正常であった。発声はゆっくりで、深く、鼻にかかったような声だった。血液検査ではクレアチンキナーゼと総コレステロールが上昇していた。甲状腺機能検査では、遊離T4が0.14ng/dL(正常範囲:0.90〜1.70ng/dL)、甲状腺刺激ホルモン値が100μIU/mL以上(正常範囲:0.35〜4.94μIU/mL)であった。抗甲状腺ペルオキシダーゼ抗体と抗サイログロブリン抗体の検査はともに陽性であり、橋本病と診断され、レボチロキシンナトリウムを開始した。6週間後、甲状腺ホルモン値は正常化し、症状だけでなく、発語速度および声質も改善した。
筆頭筆者:糖尿病・内分泌内科部長 西川 武志
Nishikawa T, Kinoshita H, Ono K, Kodama-Hashimoto S, Kobayashi Y, Nakamura T, Yoshinaga T, Ohkubo Y, Harada M, Toyonaga T, Takahashi T, Araki E: Clinical profiles of hyperglycemic crises: A single-center retrospective study from Japan. Journal of diabetes investigation, 2020
Aims/Introduction: The aim of the present study was to clarify the pathophysiologies of hyperglycemic crises in Japanese patients.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study on patients with hyperglycemic crises admitted to our hospital between 2012 and 2019. Patients were classified as having diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycemic hyperosmotic syndrome (HHS), or a mixed state of the two conditions (MIX), and laboratory data and levels of consciousness at hospital admission as well as the rates of mortality and coagulation disorders were compared.
Results: The diagnostic criteria for hyperglycemic crisis were met in 144 cases, comprising 87 (60.4%), 38 (26.4%), and 19 (13.2%) cases of DKA, HHS, and MIX, respectively. Type 1 diabetes was noted in 46.0 and 26.3% of patients in the DKA and MIX groups, respectively. Fibrin degradation product (FDP) and D-dimer levels were significantly higher in the HHS group than in the DKA group (DKA and HHS groups: FDP: 7.94 ± 8.43 and 35.54 ± 51.80 μg/ml, respectively, P <0.01; D-dimer: 2.830 ± 2.745 and 14.846 ± 21.430 μg/ml, respectively, P <0.01). Mortality rates were 5.7, 13.2, and 5.3% in the DKA, HHS, and MIX groups, respectively. Seven patients (4.9%), four of whom were in the MIX group, had acute arterial occlusive diseases.
Conclusions: The low frequency of type 1 diabetes in DKA and MIX may be responsible for reduced insulin secretion in Japanese populations. Patients with hyperglycemic crises have increased coagulability, and acute arterial occlusion needs to be considered, particularly in MIX.
筆頭著者:総合診療科 國友 耕太郎
Kotaro Kunitomo, Shinya Yumoto, Takahiro Tsuji. A case of paragonimiasis in a patient with wet cough. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2020
A 46-year-old Chinese woman living in Japan presented with wet cough that persisted for 20 days. She had travelled to Cambodia 50 days prior, where she consumed freshwater crabs. She had not ingested raw crab or crayfish in Japan. Her temperature was 36.9°C; blood pressure, 127/88 mmHg; respiratory rate, 14 breaths/min; pulse, 86 beats/min; and oxygen saturation, 98% at rest while breathing ambient air. Chest examination revealed no crackles; physical examination results were otherwise unremarkable. Laboratory investigations revealed a white blood cell count of 7.0 × 109/L (eosinophils: 5%). Chest computed tomography showed a nodular shadow with a cavity and a surrounding ground-glass appearance in the left upper lung lobe.
Microscopic examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid revealed brown oval eggs, suggesting the presence of Paragonimus westermani. The final diagnosis was paragonimiasis (P. westermani), because the serologic antibody test was positive for P. westermani (IgG) and she was treated with praziquantel. Her clinical symptoms improved within two months.
P. westermani, is a parasite of crustaceans, prevalent in Asia, transmitted to humans via the consumption of raw or poorly cooked freshwater crabs. There are about 30-50 cases of lung infections diagnosed in Japan every year. The symptoms of paragonimiasis include chronic cough, chest pain, dyspnea, and hemoptysis, which are similar to those of tuberculosis and lung cancer.
日本に住む46歳の中国人女性が、20日間続く湿性咳嗽を呈した。彼女は50日前にカンボジアに旅行しており、そこで淡水ガニを食べていた。胸部CTで,左上肺葉に空洞を伴う結節性の影と,その周囲のすりガラス陰影が認められた。気管支肺胞洗浄液で、褐色の楕円形の卵が認められ,Paragonimus westermaniの存在が示唆され、抗体検査結果も含めたウェステルマン肺吸虫症と診断した。プラジカンテル投与で改善した。P. westermaniは、アジアで流行している甲殻類の寄生虫で、生や加熱が不十分な淡水ガニを食べることで人に感染する。日本では毎年約30~50例感染している。症状や画像所見から、結核や肺がんとの鑑別が必要になるが、淡水ガニを食べたという病歴聴取が診断に重要であることを示した症例である。
筆頭著者:総合診療科 國友 耕太郎
Kotaro Kunitomo, Taichi Hirano, Takahiro Tsuji. Numerous schistocytes in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Postgrad Med J. 2020.
An 83-year-old man was transported by ambulance to the emergency room because he had a clouding of consciousness. On arrival, his Glasgow Coma Scale score was 13 (E4V4M5). His temperature was 37.3°C, blood pressure 139/77 mmHg, and pulse 101/min. Physical examination revealed jaundice and purpura throughout the body. Laboratory evaluation revealed a hemoglobin level of 5.7 g/dL, thrombocytopenia (platelet count: 0.6 x 104/μL), and increased total bilirubin (5.7 mg/dL), and serum creatinine level (1.44 mg/dL). Haptoglobin was decreased (< 19 mg/dL). A peripheral blood smear showed numerous schistocytes. On the basis of these findings, we made a presumptive diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and started plasma exchange and glucocorticoids therapy immediately. Five days after admission, he was diagnosed with TTP because ADAMTS-13 activity was 1% and ADAMTS-13 inhibitor was positive. Glucocorticoid treatment was tapered off and he was discharged. One year after discharge, he remained well.
Acquired TTP usually presents in previously healthy individuals as severe microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Platelets transfusion is contraindicated in TTP, as it results in coagulopathy. Mortality from thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura increases if plasma exchange is not performed early.
Acquired TTP is characterized by a severe deficiency of ADAMTS-13 activity and the presence of ADAMTS-13 inhibitor. However, these results are not immediately available. Therefore, if the clinician suspects TTP, finding schistocytes in peripheral blood smears is a clue to the early diagnosis of TTP.
83 歳の男性が,意識混濁のため救急車で救急外来に搬送された。GCSは13(E4V4M5)だった。体温は37.3℃で、全身に黄疸と紫斑が認められた。貧血、血小板減少があり、総ビリルビン値が5.7mg/dLと上昇していた。末梢血塗抹標本で、多数の破砕赤血球があり、TTPを疑い、直ちに血漿交換療法を開始し、救命できた。TTPの診断には、ADAMTS-13活性やADAMTS-13インヒビターの測定が必要だが、検査結果が判明するまでには数日かかる。しかし早期に血漿交換を行わないと死亡率が上昇する。そこで、末梢血塗抹標本で破砕赤血球を見つけることが、TTPの早期診断の手がかりとなることを示した教育的な症例である。
筆頭著者:総合診療科研修医 芥川 晃也
Koya Akutagawa, Kotaro Kunitomo, Taro Shimizu, Takahiro Tsuji: Organophosphate poisoning: vital signs are not vital in diagnosis. QJM. 2021.
An 83-year-old woman was found by her husband lying unconscious by a field and was transferred to our emergency department. She had a medical history of Alzheimer’s disease and hypertension.
On examination, the patient’s temperature was 35.2°C; blood pressure, 227/127 mmHg; heart rate, 112/min and regular; respiratory rate, 28/min; and O2 saturation, 96% on 1 L/min of oxygen via a nasal cannula. Her Glasgow Coma Scale score was 9 (E4V1M4). The patient had bilateral miosis, generalized hyperhidrosis, hypersalivation, and urinary incontinence. Her blood sugar, arterial blood gas analyses, and electrocardiogram did not show any abnormalities. Head computed tomography (CT) did not reveal any intracranial haemorrhaging.
Immediately after CT, the patient suddenly vomited reddish-brown matter, which had a gasoline-like odor. Blood test results revealed low cholinesterase activity (26 IU/L), and other results were normal. It was evident from her history that she accidentally ingested malathion (Figure 1) stored in a plastic bottle during a tea break while working at a farm. A diagnosis of organophosphate poisoning was made. Treatment with pralidoxime for muscarinic and nicotinic effects was initiated. After a successful recovery, she was discharged from the hospital.
筆頭著者:病理診断科医師 武藤 礼治
Reiji Muto, Naoki Uemura, Norikazu Mitsui, Fumiko Arakawa, Takanori Negishi, Hiroaki Miyoshi, Koichi Ohshima, Toshihiko Murayama: The first reported case of primary extranodal counterpart of follicular T-cell lymphoma of submandibular gland. Pathol Int. 2020;70:1027-1031.
This is the first reported case of follicular T-cell lymphoma (FTCL) that primarily developed in the extranodal site of the right submandibular gland. An 86-year-old man was detected with a right cervical mass suspected to be malignant lymphoma during his physical examination. Imaging studies revealed that the mass was a submandibular gland tumor. The tumor was excised for diagnosis and treatment. Pathologically, the tumor was composed of densely aggregated lymphocytes with a follicular growth pattern. The immunohistochemical investigation showed that the lymphoma cells expressed CD3, CD4, programmed cell death protein 1, BCL6, chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13, and BCL2. Staining of the follicular dendritic cell revealed its meshwork structure limited in the germinal center. Monoclonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor was detected using polymerase chain reaction. These findings are consistent with the characteristics of FTCL. Here, we describe the first reported case of extranodal counterpart of FTCL of the submandibular gland. Accumulation and investigation of such extranodal cases is essential.
筆頭著者:血液内科部長 河北 敏郎
Kawakita T, Hirano T, Inoue Y, Irie Y, Sugitani H, Kubota A, Watanabe M, Ueno M, Mitsui N, Yamaguchi S, Inoue Y, Sakai T, Harada N, Matsuoka M, Hidaka M: Feasibility of an intensified myeloablative conditioning regimen consisting of busulfan, fludarabine, cytarabine, and total body irradiation before single cord blood transplantation in elderly patients. : Int J Hematol. 2021 Jul;114(1):85-93. doi: 10.1007/s12185-021-03131-9.
Background and Purpose: The optimal conditioning regimen for stem cell transplantation in elderly patients remains to be established. We developed and assessed the feasibility of a novel preparative regimen using fludarabine 180 mg/m2, intravenous busulfan 12.8 mg/m2, cytarabine 8 g/m2, and 4-Gy total body irradiation (Flu/BU4/CA/TBI4) before cord blood transplantation (CBT) in patients older than 55 years with various hematological malignancies.
Methods: Patients older than 55 years who received CBT after Flu/BU4/CA/TBI4 between January 2014 and December 2018 at Kumamoto Medical Center, National Hospital Organization, Japan, were included in this retrospective study. The primary endpoint of this study was disease-free survival, defined as the time from transplantation to first relapse or death during complete remission.
Results: Thirty-three patients were included in this study, with a median age of 64 years (range 56–70). All but one patient received graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis consisting of cyclosporine and short-term methotrexate. The disease risk index was high or very high in 67% of patients, and 73% had a disease status other than complete remission. The probabilities of overall survival and disease-free survival at 3 years were 60 and 57%, respectively. The cumulative incidences of relapse and non-relapse mortality at 3 years were 18 and 25%, respectively. Regimen-related toxicities were generally tolerable. Disease-free survivors (n = 20) stopped immunosuppressants at a median of 7.4 months (range 2.6–25.0), in all cases by the time of the last follow-up.
Conclusions: This highly myeloablative conditioning regimen resulted in a high probability of disease-free, GVHD-free, immunosuppressant-free survival after single CBT.
同種造血幹細胞移植の技術向上により近年は70歳前後まで移植が可能となったが、高齢者に対する最適な移植前処置法は確立されていない。我々は強化型骨髄破壊的前処置を用いることで再発率を低下させると同時に、移植片対宿主病(GVHD)のリスクが低い臍帯血をドナーとして用いることで生存率が向上するという仮説のもと、フルダラビン、ブスルファン、シタラビン、全身放射線照射4グレイ(Flu/BU4/CA/TBI4)という新たな強化型骨髄破壊的前処置を開発した。本研究では2014年1月から2018年12月までの間に国立病院機構熊本医療センターにて施行され、前処置としてFlu/BU4/CA/TBI4を用いた56歳以上の臍帯血移植症例を後方視的に解析した。主要評価項目は無病生存率(Disease-Free Survival: DFS)とした。解析症例は33名で、年齢中央値は64歳(範囲:56~70歳)。移植前の疾患リスク指数は、高リスクまたは超高リスクが全例の67%を占めた。全例における3年無病生存率はそれぞれ57%であり、多くの高齢者移植での既報(長期生存率20%~40%程度)と比較して良好な生存率が得られた。3年累積再発率及び3年非再発死亡率はそれぞれ18%、25%で、前処置関連毒性は概ね許容内だった。単一施設、少数例の後方視的解析という問題点があるため今後多数例での検討を要するが、この強化型骨髄破壊的前処置を用いた臍帯血移植では、高い無病生存率及び無GVHD生存率、無免疫抑制剤生存率が得られる可能性が示唆された。
筆頭著者:救命救急部長 櫻井 聖大
Sakurai T, Harada M, Takahashi T. Successful treatment with artificial pancreas for a patient who attempted suicide using a high-dose insulin s. c. injection.: Acute Medicine & Surgery: 2020; 7: e518.
Background: Artificial pancreas is usually used to manage hyperglycemia. We controlled prolonged hypoglycemia induced by insulin overdose using artificial pancreas.
Case Presentation: A 56-year-old female patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus was admitted to the emergency department after overdosing on 1,800 units each of insulin aspart and insulin degludec. She had also ingested 2 weeks of anti-anxiety medication. When the patient arrived at the hospital, her blood glucose level was 30 mg/dL and she was in a coma. Artificial pancreas (STG-55; Nikkiso, Tokyo, Japan) was used to control blood glucose levels because we were unable to predict the duration or degree of hypoglycemia. Blood glucose levels were safely controlled without the development of hypo- or hyperglycemia. Finally, the patient was discharged without any complications on day 7.
Conclusion: The STG-55 artificial pancreas was very useful and convenient for controlling blood glucose levels in our insulin overdose patient.
筆頭著者:外科医師 小澄 敬祐
Kosumi K, Hayashi H, Baba H. Significance of long-term surveillance for branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms from the perspective of molecular pathological epidemiology. Annals of translational medicine. 2020;8:977.
A large long-term study of patients with branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) was reported by Oyama et al. in Gastroenterology. Oyama and colleagues analyzed incidences of IPMN-derived carcinoma and concomitant pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) in over 1,400 consecutive patients with branch-duct IPMN diagnosed during over 20 years. The study by Oyama et al. does not only support extended follow-up for patients with branch-duct IPMN, but also serve an illustrative MPE study of incidence of pancreatic cancer. We argue that MPE can establish a basis for individualized prevention and treatment strategies of pancreatic cancer. Further integrated analyses of environmental factors such as lifestyle factors, tumor, host immunity, and microbiome based on MPE research (microbial-MPE and immunology-MPE) can eventually play critical roles in providing rationales and discovering insights into precision medicine, therapy, and prevention for pancreatic cancer.
Letter to the Editor
分枝膵管型膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍に対する長期フォローアップの有用性に関してOyamaらによってGastroenterologyに発表された。Oyamaらは20年以上にわたってフォローアップを行ってきた分枝膵管型膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍1400例以上を対象に解析した。彼らの研究によって分枝膵管型膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍への長期有用性が明らかになったほか、膵癌研究におけるMolecular Pathological Epidemiology(MPE、分子病理疫学)の実例ともなりうる。MPEという新たな研究手法は、様々な分野(微生物学、免疫学など)とリンクをさせることで膵癌の個別的な予防及び治療に非常に有用であると考えられる。
筆頭著者:外科医師 小澄 敬祐
Kosumi K, Mima K, Morito A, Yumoto S, Matsumoto T, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Miyanari N, Baba H. Patient Age and Long-term Survival in Colorectal Cancer Patients Who Undergo Emergency Surgery. Anticancer research. 2021;41:1069-76.
Background/aim: Emergency surgery for colorectal cancer (CRC) is a high-risk procedure with high morbidity and mortality rates, especially for older patients. The relationship between patient age status and long-term outcomes is unclear. We hypothesize that patient age might be associated with long-term outcomes in patients with CRC who undergo emergency surgery.
Patients and methods: Utilizing a database of CRC patients who received emergency surgery, we examined the prognostic association of patient age.
Results: The ≥80-years group was significantly associated with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status, bowel obstruction, N stage, shorter operating time, and less adjuvant chemotherapy (all p<0.03); and also, with shorter recurrence-free survival [multivariable hazard ratio, 2.79; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-7.21; p=0.026]. ASA status and adjuvant chemotherapy were significantly associated with recurrence-free survival (all p<0.03).
Conclusion: Advanced age is associated with shorter recurrence-free survival in CRC patients who undergo emergency surgery.
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Kosumi K, Miyanari N, Tajiri T, Kanemitsu K, Takematsu T, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H. Impairment of Activities of Daily Living is an Independent Risk Factor for Recurrence and Mortality Following Curative Resection of Stage I-III Colorectal Cancer. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 2021.
Background: With aging of the population, the number of colorectal cancer patients with impairment of activities of daily living (ADLs) has increased. The Barthel index is a validated tool for assessing functional levels of ADLs. In this retrospective study, we aimed to examine associations of Barthel index scores with recurrence and mortality after curative resection of colorectal cancer.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data of 815 consecutive patients who had undergone curative resection of stage I-III colorectal adenocarcinoma between January 2009 and December 2017. Preoperative functional levels of ADLs were assessed prospectively using the Barthel index (range, 0 to 100; higher scores indicate greater independence). Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared according to Barthel index scores. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs), controlling for potential confounders.
Results: Of the 815 patients, Barthel index scores were 40 or lower in 129 (16%), 41-85 in 110 (13%), and 86 or more in 576 (71%). In multivariable analyses adjusting for potential confounders including age and disease stage, scores of 85 or lower on the Barthel index were independently associated with shorter RFS (multivariable HR: 1.74, 95% confidence interval: 1.28-2.37, P<0.001) and OS (multivariable HR: 2.10, 95% confidence interval: 1.45-3.04, P<0.001).
Conclusions: Lower scores on the Barthel index are associated with shorter RFS and OS following resection of nonmetastatic colorectal cancer. Further studies are needed to establish treatment strategies for colorectal cancer patients with poor functional capacity.
日常生活動作(activities of daily living; ADLs)が低下した大腸癌患者の
わが国では平均余命の延長と高齢者人口の増加に伴い、高齢者の大腸癌手術症例が増加している。がん患者は、がんの進行に加えて、加齢、併存疾患、認知機能の低下に伴い、日常生活動作(activities of daily living; ADLs)が低下することが知られている。
今回、術前にADLsが低下した大腸癌患者の臨床病理学的特徴、再発リスクおよび予後を明らかにする目的で研究を行った。国立病院機構熊本医療センターでD3リンパ節郭清を伴う治癒切除が行われたStage I、II、III結腸直腸癌729例を対象とし、術前のADLsをBarthel index (0-100点で点数が高いほど自立している)を用いて評価し、臨床病理学的特徴と予後を比較した。
術前ADLsの低下は、年齢75歳以上、ASA-PS 3以上、閉塞または穿孔、緊急手術、右側結腸癌、術前血清CEA値5 ng/mL以上、術前prognostic nutritional index低値、進行したStage、術中出血量増加、術後合併症頻度増加、術後補助化学療法の未施行と関連を認めた。さらにBarthel index 85点以下は独立した再発リスク因子(multivariable hazard ratio [HR], 1.93 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.41-2.65;P<0.001)および予後不良因子(multivariable HR, 2.41; 95%CI, 1.65-3.55; P<0.001)であった。
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Miyanari N, Kosumi K, Tajiri T, Kanemitsu K, Takematsu T, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H. The efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy for resected high-risk stage II and stage III colorectal cancer in frail patients. International journal of clinical oncology. 2021;26:903-12.
Background: The number of frail patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) has increased. Despite evidence-based treatment guidelines, a large proportion of patients with resected CRC do not receive adjuvant chemotherapy in daily practice. This retrospective study aimed to examine the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy for CRC according to frailty.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from 507 consecutive patients with curatively resected high-risk stage II or stage III CRC between 2009 and 2016. Frailty was assessed using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS): 1 (very fit) to 9 (terminally ill), and frailty was defined as CFS ≥ 4. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared between surgery alone and adjuvant chemotherapy in frail and non-frail patients. A cox proportional hazards model was used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs), controlling for potential confounders.
Results: Of the 507 patients, 194 (38%) were frail. There were no significant interactions between frailty and adjuvant chemotherapy regarding RFS (Pinteraction = 0.59) and OS (Pinteraction = 0.81). In multivariable analyses, associations of adjuvant chemotherapy with longer RFS and OS in frail patients (RFS, HR: 0.33, 95% CI 0.15-0.63; OS, HR: 0.23, 95% CI 0.08-0.54) were comparable to non-frail patients (RFS, HR: 0.36, 95% CI 0.22-0.58; OS, HR: 0.34, 95% CI 0.15-0.69). Frail patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy were younger and had better nutritional status than those undergoing surgery alone (all P < 0.005).
Conclusion: Selected frail patients with CRC may experience a similar survival benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy as non-frail patients. Clinical trials are needed to establish adjuvant chemotherapy for CRC in frail patients.
フレイルを有するStage II/III大腸癌患者に対する術後補助化学療法の
今回、Frailを有するStage II/III大腸癌患者に対する術後補助化学療法の有効性を検討する目的で研究を行った。2009年1月から2016年12月までに国立病院機構熊本医療センターで治癒切除が行われたStage IIおよびIII大腸癌570例(Stage II, 323例; Stage III, 247例)を対象とした。術前のFrailの有無をClinical Frailty Scale (Rockwood K et al. CMAJ 2005)を用いて評価し、4以上をFrail群、1から3までをnonfrail群として、Cox比例ハザードモデルによる多変量解析を行い、各群における術後補助化学療法の無再発生存率および全生存率を手術単独と比較した。
術後補助化学療法が施行された症例の割合はFrail群で17%、nonfrail群で47%とFrail群で有意に低かった(P<0.001)。多変量解析で、Frail、nonfrail両群において術後補助化学療法は独立して良好な無再発生存率(Frail群, multivariable hazard ratio [HR], 0.43;95% confidence interval [CI], 0.22-0.78;P=0.005:nonfrail群, multivariable HR, 0.36;95% CI, 0.22-0.57;P<0.001)および全生存率(Frail群, multivariable HR, 0.20;95% CI, 0.07-0.49;P<0.001:nonfrail群, multivariable HR, 0.15;95% CI, 0.06-0.32;P<0.001)と関連を認めた。
術前にFrailを有するStage II/III大腸癌患者においても、可能であれば術後補助化学療法を行うことで再発を抑制し生存期間を延長することが示唆された。高齢者やFrailを有する大腸癌患者を対象とした臨床試験によるエビデンスの確立が望まれる。
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Miyanari N, Morito A, Yumoto S, Matsumoto T, Kosumi K, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H. Frailty is an independent risk factor for recurrence and mortality following curative resection of stage I-III colorectal cancer. Annals of gastroenterological surgery. 2020;4:405-12.
Aim: With population aging, the number of frail patients with colorectal cancer has increased. The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a validated tool for assessing frailty, and higher scores indicate worse clinical outcomes following cardiovascular procedures. This retrospective study aimed to examine preoperative frailty in relation to recurrence and mortality following curative resection of colorectal cancer.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data for 729 consecutive patients undergoing curative resection of stage I-stage III colon and rectal adenocarcinoma between January 2009 and December 2016. Frailty was assessed using the CFS: 1 (very fit) to 9 (terminally ill), and frailty was defined as CFS ≥ 4. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared between frail and nonfrail patients. Cox proportional hazards model was used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs), controlling for potential confounders.
Results: CFS score was negatively correlated with the Barthel index of activities of daily living (Spearman's ρ = -0.83). Of the 729 patients, 253 (35%) were frail. In multivariable analyses adjusting for potential confounders including age and disease stage, frailty was independently associated with shorter RFS (multivariable HR: 1.70, 95% confidence interval: 1.25-2.31, P < .001) and OS (multivariable HR: 2.04, 95% confidence interval: 1.40-2.99, P < .001). There were no significant interactions of frailty with age and disease stage regarding RFS and OS (P interaction > .72).
Conclusion: Preoperative frailty was independently associated with shorter RFS and OS following resection of nonmetastatic colorectal cancer, regardless of age and disease stage. Further trials are needed to establish treatment strategies for frail patients with colorectal cancer.
2009年から2016年までにD3リンパ節郭清を伴う治癒切除が行われたStage I-III大腸癌729例を解析した。術前のFrailの有無をClinical Frailty Scale (Rockwood K et al. CMAJ 2005)を用いて評価し、4以上をFrail群、1から3までをnonfrail群として、Cox比例ハザードモデルによる多変量解析を行い、無再発生存率および全生存率を手術単独と比較した。Frail群は253例(35%)であった。Frailに関連する因子は年齢75歳以上、ASA-PS 3以上、術前prognostic nutritional index低値であった。多変量解析でFrail群は独立した再発リスク因子(multivariable hazard ratio[HR],1.70; 95% confidence interval[CI],1.25-2.31)および予後不良因子(multivariableHR,2.04; 95%CI,1.40-2.99)であった。
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Kosumi K, Baba Y, Hamada T, Baba H, Ogino S. The microbiome, genetics, and gastrointestinal neoplasms: the evolving field of molecular pathological epidemiology to analyze the tumor-immune-microbiome interaction. Human genetics. 2021;140:725-46.
Metagenomic studies using next-generation sequencing technologies have revealed rich human intestinal microbiome, which likely influence host immunity and health conditions including cancer. Evidence indicates a biological link between altered microbiome and cancers in the digestive system. Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis have been found to be enriched in colorectal mucosal tissues from patients with familial adenomatous polyposis that is caused by germline APC mutations. In addition, recent studies have found enrichment of certain oral bacteria, viruses, and fungi in tumor tissue and fecal specimens from patients with gastrointestinal cancer. An integrative approach is required to elucidate the role of microorganisms in the pathogenic process of gastrointestinal cancers, which develop through the accumulation of somatic genetic and epigenetic alterations in neoplastic cells, influenced by host genetic variations, immunity, microbiome, and environmental exposures. The transdisciplinary field of molecular pathological epidemiology (MPE) offers research frameworks to link germline genetics and environmental factors (including diet, lifestyle, and pharmacological factors) to pathologic phenotypes. The integration of microbiology into the MPE model (microbiology-MPE) can contribute to better understanding of the interactive role of environment, tumor cells, immune cells, and microbiome in various diseases. We review major clinical and experimental studies on the microbiome, and describe emerging evidence from the microbiology-MPE research in gastrointestinal cancers. Together with basic experimental research, this new research paradigm can help us to develop new prevention and treatment strategies for gastrointestinal cancers through targeting of the microbiome.
次世代シーケンサーが開発されたことで、マイクロバイオーム(ヒトの体内に存在する微生物叢が持つ遺伝情報)の研究が活発に行われており、ヒトの健康や消化器腫瘍を含めた様々な疾患と関連することが明らかになっている。APC遺伝子の変異により大腸に腺腫が多発する家族性大腸腺腫症患者の大腸組織にEscherichia coliやBacteroides fragilisが存在し、大腸腫瘍の発生に腸内細菌と宿主遺伝子の相互作用が重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆される。さらに最新の研究で消化器癌患者の腫瘍組織中や便中に口腔細菌、ウイルス、真菌が多く存在していることも明らかとなってきた。本総説では消化器癌とマイクロバイオームに関するこれまでの研究成果と今後の展望について解説している。
筆頭著者:外科医師 武末 亨
Takematsu T, Kosumi K, Tajiri T, Kanemitsu K, Mima K, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Miyanari N, Baba H. Surgical resection of a ruptured transverse pancreatic artery aneurysm. Surgical case reports. 2021;7(1):53.
Background: Visceral artery aneurysms are rare, but they may cause heavy bleeding and high mortality. In addition, aneurysms originating from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) account for only 1% of visceral artery aneurysms. We report the rare case of a ruptured transverse pancreatic artery aneurysm originating from the SMA that required urgent surgical treatment.
Case presentation: A 66-year-old woman presented with acute back pain after lunch, and she was transported by ambulance. She had upper quadrant spontaneous pain and moderate tenderness, but no guarding or rebound pain. She had rheumatoid arthritis, and was taking 10 mg of steroids per day. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography demonstrated a retroperitoneal hematoma spreading to the ventral side of the left kidney and extravasation of contrast agent from a branch of the SMA. We diagnosed rupture of aneurysm. We conferred with our IVR team on treatment strategy for the ruptured aneurysm. In addition, we finally selected operation, since the branch of the SMA to the aneurysm was too thin and complex to conduct IVR. For this reason, we performed emergency simple aneurysmectomy of the transverse pancreatic artery. The postoperative course was relatively smooth.
Conclusion: Rupture of a transverse pancreatic artery aneurysm originating from the SMA is rare. However, when diagnosing patients with acute abdomen or back pain, we should consider rupture of a visceral artery aneurysm. Endovascular treatment may currently be common for ruptured visceral artery aneurysms, but we should flexibly treat them according to the patient's condition and facility considerations.
内臓動脈瘤はまれだが, 大量出血により高い死亡率となっている. さらに, 上腸間膜動脈(SMA)由来する動脈瘤は, 内臓動脈瘤の1%程度しかない. SMAに起因した横行膵動脈瘤破裂に対して手術で救命しえた一例を報告する.
症例は66歳, 女性. 昼食後に急性腰痛を呈し救急搬送された. 反跳痛のない中等度の腹痛も認め, 造影CT検査で左腎臓の腹側に広がる後腹膜血腫およびSMAの枝からの造影剤の血管外漏出を認めた. その所見から内蔵動脈瘤破裂と診断した. 血管内治療(IVR)も検討したが, SMAの動脈瘤への分岐が細く複雑なためIVR困難であったため, 緊急で横行膵横動脈瘤切除術を行った.
SMAに起因する横膵動脈瘤の破裂はまれだが, 急性腹症や腰痛のある患者を診断する場合は, 内臓動脈瘤の破裂を考慮する必要がある. IVRは現在, 破裂した内臓動脈瘤に対する治療として広まってきているが, 患者の状態や施設の考慮事項に応じて柔軟に対応し, 手術の選択肢も常に考慮しておく必要がある。
筆頭著者:循環器内科医師 大野 美結
Miyu Ohno, Toshihiro Yamada, Yasuhiro Otsuka, Naoya Nakashima, Junichi Matsubara, Masakazu Matsukawa, Daisuke Sueta, Yuichiro Arima, Eiichiro Yamamoto, Shinji Tamaya, Koichi Kaikita, Kazuteru Fujimoto, Kenichi Tsujita.
A case of severe pulmonary thromboembolism in mycoplasma infection during early pregnancy.:Journal of cardiology cases. 2020 Sep;22(3);140-142.
Mycoplasma infection and pregnancy are both characterized by thrombogenesis. A 38-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to a general hospital for mycoplasma pneumonia treatment. She experienced sudden dyspnea and fell into cardiopulmonary arrest. Emergent pulmonary arteriography revealed contrast deficits in the bilateral pulmonary arteries, and she was diagnosed with pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). Reperfusion treatment and hemodynamic support were initiated. This is a rare case report of PTE attributed to mycoplasma infection during pregnancy. <Learning objective: Since mycoplasma infection has been reported to be a fatal extrapulmonary finding associated with pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE), if sudden respiratory failure occurs during the clinical course, PTE should be investigated, and pregnant women should be especially careful.
マイコプラズマ感染症と妊娠は、いずれも血栓形成を特徴とします。38歳の妊婦がマイコプラズマ肺炎の治療のため総合病院に入院しました。彼女は突然の呼吸困難を自覚し、心肺停止になりました。肺動脈造影で両側肺動脈のコントラスト欠損を認め、肺血栓塞栓症(PTE)と診断されました。再灌流療法と血行力学的サポートが開始されました。これは、妊娠中のマイコプラズマ感染症に起因する肺血栓塞栓症のまれな症例報告です。<学習目標: マイコプラズマ感染症は、肺血栓塞栓症に伴う致命的な肺外所見であることが報告されているので、臨床経過中に突然の呼吸不全が起こった場合、肺血栓塞栓症を検査し、妊婦は特に注意する必要があります。>
筆頭著者:救命救急科医長 北田 真己
M. Kitada; T. Kaneko; S. Yamada; M. Harada; T. Takahashi. Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation without target temperature management for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients prolongs the therapeutic time window: a retrospective analysis of a nationwide multicentre observational study in Japan: Journal of Intensive Care: 2020; 8(1): 7
Background: Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a promising therapy for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) compared with conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCPR). The no and low-flow time (NLT), the interval from collapse to reperfusion to starting ECMO or to the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in CCPR, is associated with the neurological outcome of OHCA. Because the effects of target temperature management (TTM) on the outcomes of ECPR are unclear, we compared the neurological outcomes of OHCA between ECPR and CCPR without TTM.
Methods: We performed retrospective subanalyses of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine OHCA registry. Witnessed cases of adult cardiogenic OHCA without TTM were selected. We performed univariate, multivariable and propensity score analyses to compare the neurological outcomes after ECPR or CCPR in all eligible patients and in patients with NLT of > 30 min or > 45 min.
Results: We analysed 2585 cases. Propensity score analysis showed negative result in all patients (odds ratio 0.328 [95% confidence interval 0.141-0.761], P = 0.010). However, significant associated with better neurological outcome was shown in patients with NLT of > 30 min or > 45 min (odds ratio 2.977 [95% confidence interval 1.056-8.388], P = 0.039, odds ratio 5.099 [95% confidence interval 1.259-20.657], P = 0.023, respectively).
Conclusion: This study revealed significant differences in the neurological outcomes between ECPR and CCPR without TTM, in patients with NLT of > 30 min.
筆頭著者:救命救急科医長 山田 周
S. Yamada; T. Kaneko; M. Kitada; M. Harada; T. Takahashi: Shorter Interval from Witnessed Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest to Reaching the Target Temperature Could Improve Neurological Outcomes After Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with Target Temperature Management: A Retrospective Analysis of a Japanese Nationwide Multicenter Observational Registry: Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management: doi: 10.1089/ther.2020.0045. Epub 2020 Dec 4.
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a more promising treatment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) than conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCPR). However, previous studies that compared ECPR and CCPR included mixed groups of patients with or without target temperature management (TTM). In this study, we compared the neurological outcomes of OHCA between ECPR and CCPR with TTM in all patients. We performed retrospective subanalyses of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine OHCA registry. Witnessed adult cases of cardiogenic OHCA treated with TTM were eligible for this study. We used univariate and multivariable analyses in all eligible patients to compare the neurological outcomes after ECPR or CCPR. We also conducted propensity score analyses of all patients and according to the interval from witnessed OHCA to reaching the target temperature (IWT) of ≤600, ≤480, ≤360, ≤240, and ≤120 minutes. We analyzed 1146 cases. The propensity score analysis did not show a significant difference in favorable neurological outcomes (defined as a Glasgow-Pittsburgh Cerebral Performance Category of 1-2 at 1 month after collapse) between EPCR and CCPR (odds ratio: OR 4.683 [95% confidence interval: CI 0.859-25.535], p = 0.747). However, ECPR was associated with more favorable neurological outcomes in patients with IWT of ≤600 minutes (OR 7.089 [95% CI 1.091-46.061], p = 0.406), ≤480 minutes (OR 10.492 [95% CI 1.534-71.773], p = 0.0168), ≤360 minutes (OR 17.573 [95% CI 2.486-124.233], p = 0.0042), ≤240 minutes (OR 38.908 [95% CI 5.045-300.089], p = 0.0005), and ≤120 minutes (OR 200.390 [95% CI 23.730-1692.211], p < 0.001). This study revealed significant differences in the neurological outcomes between ECPR and CCPR in patients with TTM whose IWT was ≤600 minutes.
筆頭筆者:薬剤部 髙武 嘉道
Koutake Y, Taniguchi J, Yasumori N, Nagaishi H, Eto T, Nakashima K, Fukazawa M and Hayashi T.: Influence of proton pump inhibitors and H2-receptor antagonists on the efficacy and safety of dasatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia patients: International Journal of Hematology.: 2020; 111(6): 826-832.
Purpose : We evaluated the effect of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) on the efficacy and safety of dasatinib for chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CP-CML).
Methods : Retrospective analyses were performed for patients with CP-CML who received dasatinib at seven hospitals between April 2009 and December 2016.
Results : Seventy-three patients were identified, 16 of whom received PPIs or H2RAs concurrently with dasatinib. Major molecular response at 12 months was observed in 13 of 13 patients (100%) with concurrent PPIs or H2RAs (combination group), and in 23 of 51 patients (45.1%) who received only dasatinib (dasatinib-alone group; P < 0.001). Deep molecular response at 12 months was observed in four of six patients (66.7%) in the combination group, and seven of 38 patients (18.4%) in the dasatinib-alone group (P = 0.027). Dasatinib chemotherapy was stopped after 18 months for 25 patients (43.9%) from the dasatinib-alone group, but for none from the combination group.
Conclusions : Combination treatment with PPIs or H2RAs did not reduce the efficacy of dasatinib. PPIs and H2RAs reduce the incidence of dasatinib discontinuation due to adverse events and increase the efficacy of dasatinib chemotherapy for patients.
結果は、PPIまたはH2RAを併用した患者群ではダサチニブ単剤群に比べて、6・12・18カ月時点でのMajor Molecular ResponseおよびDeep Molecular Response症例が多かった。また治療成功期間もPPIまたはH2RA併用群で有意に延長していた。血液毒性や胸水を含む副作用の発現率については、両群に有意な差は認められなかったが、副作用、特に胸水による中止症例がダサチニブ単剤群で多く、PPIまたはH2RA併用群では中止症例はいなかった。副作用の発生日に関しては有意な差はみられなかったが、胸水に関してはPPIまたはH2RA併用群で延長する傾向がみられた。
筆頭筆者:心臓血管外科副部長 田中 睦郎
Tanaka M, Okamoto M, Okamoto K and Fukui T.: A case of persistent sciatic artery aneurysm with recurrent embolism: International Journal of Surgery Case Reports.: 2019; 60: 156–160.
Introduction : Persistent sciatic artery (PSA) is a rare congenital vascular anomaly. It has several clinical features with the formation of aneurysms. Among the complications, leg ischemia is severe problem and the management involves revascularization and prevention of recurrence. We herein describe an anatomically annoying case of PSA aneurysm with recurrent embolism that necessitated thrombectomy and bypass surgery.
Case presentation : A 76-year-old woman developed leg embolism twice from PSA aneurysm. PSA was complete type and the popliteal artery ran on the lateral side, which was difficult to approach from the standard medial side. Based on these anatomical conditions, thrombectomy of the posterior-tibial artery (PTA) and femoral-PTA bypass were performed. Additionally, the proximal side of PTA from the anastomosis site was ligated to avoid the recurrence of embolism. Residual PSA aneurysm has not yet been treated, but neither clinical complications nor dilatation have occurred.
Discussion : PSA is a rare disease, but should be remember in acute limb ischemia. Clear treatments have not yet been established; therefore, its plans need to be considered based on clinical symptoms and anatomical conditions.
Conclusion : Although there were anatomical issues in the present case, thrombectomy and bypass surgery were successful and no complications have occurred one year after surgery.
筆頭筆者:総合診療科部長 辻 隆宏
Takahiro Tsuji, Kotaro Kunitomo: Large-vessel giant cell arteritis eleven months after a diagnosis of erythema nodosum: MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY CASE REPORTS.: 2020; 4(2): 283-288.
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a type of vasculitis that occurs among the elderly and is categorized as granulomatous vasculitis of large- and medium-sized vessels. We herein report a case of GCA in a 78-year-old woman with an 11-month history of erythema nodosum (EN). She presented with fever, chest pain and headache. Inflammatory markers, including C-reactive protein and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, were elevated. Computed tomography (CT) revealed thickening of the arterial walls from the aortic arch. Positron emission tomography/CT showed uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in the walls of the proximal left common carotid and left subclavian arteries. The presence of temporal arteritis could not be confirmed. We diagnosed the patient with large-vessel GCA (LV-GCA). Induction therapy with prednisolone resulted in the rapid amelioration of her symptoms and inflammation. Cutaneous manifestations other than scalp necrosis in GCA are uncommon. In this case, EN preceded the onset of LV-GCA. The present case suggests EN can be a clinical manifestation of LV-GCA.
結節性紅斑の診断11か月後に発症したLarge-vessel giant cell arteritis
巨細胞性動脈炎(giant cell arteritis; GCA)は,高齢発症の大血管炎として知られており,側頭動脈にのみ病変を認めるcranial GCA,大動脈病変が主体のlarge vessel GCAに分けられます。今回,特発性結節性紅斑と診断され,11か月後に不明熱精査で診断に至ったlarge vessel GCAの症例を経験いたしました。GCAの皮膚病変は,cranial GCAにおけるscalp necrosisが有名ですが,結節性紅斑の報告は極めて少なく,今回が2例目です。また,1例目はGCA診断時の随伴病変でしたが,本症例は,結節性紅斑が先行したことが特異な点です。血管炎の診療上,有意義なものと考えましたので報告いたしました。
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Kurashige J, Miyanari N, Morito A, Yumoto S, Matsumoto T, Kosumi K, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H.: Advanced age is a risk factor for recurrence after resection in stage II colorectal cancer.: In Vivo.: 2020; 34: 339-346.
Background/aim: The number of older patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasing. Stage II CRC is a heterogeneous group of cancers with different prognoses. We aimed to examine older patients in relation to clinical outcome following curative resection in stage II CRC.
Patients and methods: We analyzed data for 329 consecutive patients with stage II CRC following curative resection. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared between older patients ≥75 years of age and those <75 years. Cox proportional hazards model was used to compute hazard ratios (HRs) controlling for potential confounders.
Results: In the multivariable analyses, patients ≥75 years were independently associated with shorter RFS (multivariable HR=2.56, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.55-4.31, p<0.001) and OS (multivariable HR=4.36, 95%CI=2.08-9.97, p<0.001) in stage II CRC.
Conclusion: Older patients were independently associated with shorter RFS and OS following curative resection in stage II CRC.
高齢者Stage II大腸癌の臨床的特徴と予後の検討
本邦では平均余命の延長と高齢者人口の増加に伴い、高齢者の大腸癌手術症例が増加している。Stage II大腸癌に対しては再発リスク因子を有する症例に限定して術後補助化学療法を施行することが推奨されているが、高齢者は併存症を有し、主要臓器機能が低下している場合が多く、術後補助化学療法が控えられる傾向にある。以上から高齢者Stage II大腸癌の臨床病理学的特徴、再発リスクおよび予後を明らかにする目的で本研究を行った。
2009年1月から2015年12月までに国立病院機構熊本医療センターで治癒切除が行われたStage II大腸癌280例(結腸癌237例、直腸癌43例)を対象に、75歳以上と75歳未満に分けて、臨床病理学的特徴を比較した。Cox比例ハザードモデルによる多変量解析を行い、再発リスクおよび予後を比較した。
75歳以上の高齢者は、右側結腸癌が多く、術前Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) scoreが不良で、郭清リンパ節個数12個未満、術後補助化学療法を施行しなかった症例が多かった。多変量解析で年齢75歳以上の高齢者はStage II大腸癌の再発リスクおよび予後不良因子として抽出された。
以上からStage II大腸癌において、高齢者は再発リスクが高く、予後不良である可能性があり、今後高齢者大腸癌を対象とした臨床試験によるエビデンスの確立、治療指針の作成が必要と考えられた。
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Miyanari N, Itoyama R, Nakao Y, Kato R, Shigaki H, Kurashige J, Inoue M, Iwagami S, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H.: Interval laparoscopic appendectomy after antibiotic therapy for appendiceal abscess in elderly patients.: Asian J Endosc Surg.: 2020; 13: 311-318.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of interval laparoscopic appendectomy after antibiotic therapy in elderly patients with appendiceal abscess.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data for 50 patients with appendiceal abscess aged ≥18 years who had initially planned to undergo interval laparoscopic appendectomy after antibiotic therapy and 50 patients with appendicitis aged ≥70 years who had undergone early laparoscopic appendectomy. All patients were treated at the National Hospital Organization Kumamoto Medical Center between 2012 and 2018. We compared perioperative outcomes after interval appendectomy between patients aged <70 years and ≥70 years.
Results: Clinical progression of appendicitis during antibiotic therapy developed in one patient (2.0%), and recurrent appendicitis after antibiotic therapy for appendiceal abscess occurred in two patients (4.0%). Pathological findings confirmed appendiceal neoplasms in four patients (8.0%). Postoperative infectious complications occurred in 1 of 47 patients (2.1%) who had undergone successful interval laparoscopic appendectomy, and the median length of postoperative hospital stay was 4 days (interquartile range, 3-5 days). There were no significant differences in outcomes after interval appendectomy between patients aged <70 years and ≥70 years. In the secondary analysis, the median length of postoperative hospital stay after interval laparoscopic appendectomy for appendiceal abscess (4 days) was significantly shorter than that after early laparoscopic appendectomy for uncomplicated appendicitis (7 days; P < .001).
Conclusions: Interval laparoscopic appendectomy for appendiceal abscess may be safe and effective in elderly patients without severe comorbidities. Interval appendectomy may be necessary for determining the underlying cause of appendiceal abscess in adults.
Interval laparoscopic appendectomyの安全性と有用性
膿瘍形成性虫垂炎は拡大手術への移行や術中術後合併症発生の可能性が高いことから、主に小児において保存的治療後に虫垂切除を行うInterval appendectomyの有用性が報告されている。しかし、高齢者の膿瘍形成性虫垂炎に対するInterval appendectomyの安全性や有用性については不明である。当院では2012年1月より膿瘍形成性虫垂炎に対して抗菌薬治療後に腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術を行うInterval laparoscopic appendectomyを導入している。今回、70歳以上の高齢者における膿瘍形成性虫垂炎に対するInterval laparoscopic appendectomyの安全性と有用性について検討した。
Interval laparoscopic appendectomyの適応は画像上腫瘤形成性虫垂炎を呈していること,腹部症状が限局していること,保存的治療後48時間以内に症状の改善を認めるものとした。
膿瘍形成性虫垂炎に対する抗生剤使用日数中央値は8日で、全例保存的に改善し一旦退院となった。保存的治療開始から手術までの平均期間は92.6日で、待機期間中の再燃を認めたのは1例(5.9%)であった。Interval laparoscopic appendectomyの手術時間中央値は65分で、術後創感染または腹腔内膿瘍を発症した症例はなく、術後在院日数は4日であった。Interval laparoscopic appendectomyを行った症例の12%に腫瘍性病変を認めた。
膿瘍形成性虫垂炎に対して保存的治療後に腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術を行うInterval laparoscopic appendectomyは高齢者においても術後合併症の軽減、術後在院日数の短縮つながり有用な術式と考えられた。
筆頭著者:外科医長 美馬 浩介
Mima K, Kosumi K, Sakamoto Y, Ogata Y, Miyake K, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Ogino S, Baba H.: Tissue Microbes and Anastomotic Leakage after Resection of Colorectal Carcinoma.: Surg Oncol.: 2020; 32: 63-68.
Background: Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that colorectal mucosal microbiota changes during colorectal carcinogenesis and may impair colorectal anastomotic wound healing. Thus, we hypothesized that amounts of colorectal cancer-associated microbes in colorectal tissue might be associated with anastomotic leakage after resection for colorectal carcinoma.
Methods: We analyzed 256 fresh frozen tissues of colorectal cancer from patients who underwent elective colorectal resection and anastomosis. Amounts of colorectal cancer-associated microbes, including Fusobacterium nucleatum, Escherichia coli possessing the polyketide synthase (pks) gene cluster, Enterococcus faecalis, and Bifidobacterium genus, in colorectal cancer tissues were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay; we equally dichotomized positive cases (high versus low). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess associations of these microbes with anastomotic leakage, adjusting for patient and tumor characteristics, and surgery-related factors.
Results: Fusobacterium nucleatum, pks-positive Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Bifidobacterium genus were detected in colorectal carcinoma tissue in 140 (54%), 94 (36%), 193 (75%), and 89 (35%) of 256 cases, respectively. Compared with Bifidobacterium genus-negative cases, Bifidobacterium genus-high cases were associated with an increased risk of anastomotic leakage (multivariable odds ratio, 3.96; 95% confidence interval, 1.50 to 10.51; Ptrend = 0.004). The association of Fusobacterium nucleatum, pks-positive Escherichia coli, or Enterococcus faecalis with anastomotic leakage was not statistically significant.
Conclusions: The amount of Bifidobacterium genus in colorectal tissue is associated with an increased risk of anastomotic leakage after resection for colorectal cancer. These findings need to be validated to target gastrointestinal microflora for the prevention of anastomotic leakage after colorectal resection.
大腸癌術後の縫合不全は重大な合併症の1つで、患者のquality of lifeの低下、入院期間延長、予後不良と関連することが報告されている。最新の研究で食生活や生活習慣により腸内細菌が変化し、細菌が大腸癌の発育進展を促進することが明らかになっている。さらにマウスモデルの研究で細菌が消化管吻合部の創傷治癒を阻害することが示唆されている。以上から、ヒト大腸癌組織中の腸内細菌と大腸癌術後の縫合不全発生の関連を明らかにするため本研究を行った。
切除した大腸癌原発巣の凍結組織からDNAを抽出し、大腸癌と関連することが示唆されているFusobacterium nucleatum、Escherichia coli、Bacteroides fragilis、Enterococcus faecalis、Bifidobacteriumの存在量をquantitative polymerase chain reaction法を用いて測定した。大腸癌原発巣組織中にBifidobacterium属が検出された症例では縫合不全発生率が有意に高く(20% vs. 6.3%, P=0.004)、多変量解析においても縫合不全発生の独立したリスク因子として抽出された。

Nishikawa T, Ono K, Hashimoto S, Kinoshita H, Watanabe T, Araki H, Otsu K, Sakamoto W, Harada M, Toyonaga T, Kawakami S, Fukuda J, Haga Y, Kukidome D, Takahashi T, Araki E
Journal of diabetes investigation. 2018; 9(6): 1370-7
Aims/Introduction: Because gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a risk for adverse perinatal outcomes, and patients with a history of GDM have an increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Here, we conducted two non-interventional and retrospective studies of GDM patients in Japan.
Materials and Methods: In the first study, we enrolled 529 GDM patients and assessed predictors of the need for insulin therapy. In the second study, we enrolled 185 patients from the first study, and assessed predictors of postpartum IGT.
Results: In the first study, gestational weeks at GDM diagnosis and history of pregnancy were significantly lower and pregestational BMI, family history of DM, 1- and 2-hour glucose levels in a 75-g OGTT, the number of abnormal values in a 75-g OGTT, and HbA1c were significantly higher in subjects with insulin therapy. In the second study, 1- and 2-hour glucose levels in a 75-g OGTT, the number of abnormal values in a 75-g OGTT, HbA1c, and ketone bodies in a urine test were significantly higher in IGT subjects. Logistic regression analysis showed that gestational weeks at GDM diagnosis, 1-hour glucose levels in a 75-g OGTT, and HbA1c were significant predictors of the need for insulin therapy, and 1-hour glucose levels in a 75-g OGTT at diagnosis and ketone bodies in a urine test were significant predictors for postpartum IGT.
Conclusions: Antepartum 1-hour glucose levels in a 75-g OGTT was a predictor of the need for insulin therapy in pregnancy and postpartum IGT.
糖尿病・内分泌内科部長 西川武志
Mima K, Sugihara H, Kato R, Matsumoto C, Nomoto D, Shigaki H, Kurashige J, Inoue M, Iwagami S, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Miyanari N
Surg Case Rep. 2018; 4: 149
Background: The gastrointestinal tract can occasionally be perforated or penetrated by an ingested foreign body, such as a fish bone. However, there are very few reported cases in which an ingested fish bone penetrated the gastrointestinal tract and was embedded in the pancreas.
Case presentation: An 80-year-old male presented with epigastric pain. Computed tomography of the abdomen showed a linear, hyperdense, foreign body that penetrated through the posterior wall of the gastric antrum. There was no evidence of free air, abscess formation, migration of the foreign body into the pancreas, or pancreatitis. As the patient had a history of fish bone ingestion, we made a diagnosis of localized peritonitis caused by fish bone penetration of the posterior wall of the gastric antrum. We first attempted to remove the foreign body endoscopically, but failed because it was not detected. Hence, an emergency laparoscopic surgery was performed. A linear, hard, foreign body penetrated through the posterior wall of the gastric antrum and was embedded in the pancreas. The foreign body was safely removed laparoscopically, and was identified as a 2.5-cm-long fish bone. Intraperitoneal lavage was performed, and a drain was placed in the lesser sac. The patient recovered without complications and was discharged on the 7th postoperative day.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery could be performed safely for the removal of an ingested fish bone embedded in the pancreas.
外科医長 美馬浩介
Reiji Muto MD, Hiroaki Miyoshi MD, phD, Kensaku Sato MPH, Takuya Furuta MD, phD, Hiroko Muta MD, Keisuke Kawamoto MD, PhD, Eriko Yanagida MD, Kyohei Yamada MD, and Koichi Ohshima MD, phD
Cancer Med. 2018; 7: 5843–5858.
Aim: This study provides an overview of the epidemiology and secular trends of malignant lymphoma in Japan.
Materials and Methods: Using data from clinics and hospitals throughout Japan, we analyzed 9426 cases of malignant lymphoma diagnosed in 2007-2014.
Results: We show that the proportion of follicular lymphoma and methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorder increased during this time, as did the onset age for follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Significant increases in onset age for follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma were observed in both men and women (all P values <0.0001 except for P = 0.0448 for the latter disease in women).
Conclusions: Further studies are required to determine the reasons for the higher proportion of and onset age for these lymphomas. Additionally, we believe that continued observation of these trends is necessary.
日本における悪性リンパ腫の疫学と経年的変遷 -WHO分類に基づく9426例の検討-
日本のリンパ腫の疫学に関する論文に、Lymphoma Study Group of Japanese Pathologist (LSG)の研究 (n=3194)(1)やAokiらの研究 (n=2260) (2)があります。しかしながら、日本の悪性リンパ腫の疫学の「経年的な変化」を検討した研究はこれまでありませんでした。今回の研究では、久留米大学病理学講座で2006年~2014年までに診断した、初発のリンパ腫9424例を用いて、日本の悪性リンパ腫の疫学および、それらの経年変化を提示しました。本論文は、これまでで最も大きい症例数の日本のリンパ腫の疫学論文となっています。疫学データの大枠は、これまでの研究とあまり変わりありませんでしたが、経年的に濾胞性リンパ腫、びまん性大細胞型B細胞性リンパ腫の発症年齢の高齢化が起こっている点と、濾胞性リンパ腫、メトトレキセート関連リンパ増殖性疾患の増加が示された点が、本論文の something new になっています。Open accessの論文になっていますので、悪性リンパ腫の症例で論文を書かれる際に、introductionにでも引用いただけますと幸いです。
(1)Pathology international 2000; 50: 696-702. The World Health Organization classification of malignant lymphomas in Japan: Incidence of recently recognized entities.
(2)Pathol Int. 2008; 58: 174-82. Distribution of malignant lymphoma in Japan: analysis of 2260 cases, 2001-2006.
病理診断科医師 武藤礼治
Reiji Muto MD, Sugita Yasuo MD, phD, Seiya Momosaki MD, phD, Yuriko Ito MD, Yoshiyuki Wakugawa MD, phD, Koichi Ohshima MD, phD
Neuropathology. 2019; 39: 58–63.
Introduction: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare fatal demyelinating disease of the central nervous system caused by reactivation of the JC virus, which is named after the initials of the patient from whom the virus was first isolated. JCV is highly prevalent worldwide, infects humans in early childhood, and the infection persists throughout the course of life in latent form. The present paper deals with the second autopsy case report of rituximab-associated PML in Japan.
Case: A 63-year-old woman who had undergone chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma developed progressive dysarthria and cerebellar ataxia. Head MRI revealed small, scattered, hyperintense areas in the midbrain, pons and thalamus, and the patient was first diagnosed as having cerebral infarction. Follow-up MRI showed tendency toward cerebellar atrophy and multiple system atrophy cerebellar type was suggested, which we concluded must have coincidentally occurred. It was challenging to perform biopsy due to the location of the foci and the patient's condition. Twelve months later she died of aspiration pneumonia caused by the bulbar lesion. At autopsy, the histological examination suggested the presence of demyelinating foci with numerous foamy macrophages. In the foci, oligodendrocytes with enlarged ground-glass like nuclei were found in a scattered manner and astrocytes with bizarre nuclei were also detected. These findings verified the case as PML. The first diagnosis of cerebral infarction was later withdrawn, although appropriate disorders were not recalled even after testing with various antibodies.
Conclusions: The rate of PML development tends to increase after treatment with molecular-targeted therapies, which directly or indirectly attenuate the cellular-mediated immune system. Various novel molecular-targeted and immunosuppressive drugs have been released on the market; the cases of PML have consequently increased. Accordingly, pathologists should keep this disease in mind in the differential diagnosis when neural symptoms newly emerge in patients who are treated with these drugs.
病理診断科医師 武藤礼治
Masahiro Harada, Takeshi Takahashi, Yoshio Haga, Takeshi Nishikawa
Acute Med Surg. 2019; 6(2): 131-137.
Aim: The Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) score, Shock Index (SI), and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria are simple indicators for the mortality of patients in the Emergency department (ED). These simple indicators using only vital signs, may be more useful in prehospital care than in the ED due to their quick calculation. However, these indicators have not been compared in prehospital settings. The aim of the present study is to compare these indicators measured in prehospital care and verify whether the qSOFA score is useful for prehospital triage.
Methods: We performed a single-site retrospective study on patients transferred by ambulance to the Kumamoto Medical Center ED between January 2015 and December 2016. We compared areas under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curves of the qSOFA score, SI, and SIRS criteria measured in prehospital care. We also performed sensitivity and specificity analyses using Youden Index.
Results: A total of 4,827 patients were included in the present study. The AUROC (95% confidence interval) of the qSOFA score for in-hospital mortality was 0.64 (0.61 – 0.67), which was significantly higher than those of the SIRS criteria; 0.59 (0.56 – 0.62) and SI; 0.58 (0.54 – 0.62). According to the optimal cut-off values (qSOFA≥2) decided on as the Youden Index, the sensitivity of the qSOFA score was 52.3% and its specificity was 69.9%.
Conclusions: The qSOFA score had the highest AUROC among three indicators. However, it may not be practical in actual prehospital triage due to its low sensitivity.
病院前救急患者におけるqSOFA、SIRS、Shock Indexの比較検討:単施設後方視的研究
目的:quick SOFAスコア(qSOFA)、ショック指数(Shock Index)、Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome(SIRS)診断基準は救急部門において患者の死亡率を予測するシンプルな指標として用いられる。これらのバイタルサインのみを用いるシンプルな指標は、迅速な計算という観点では救急外来よりも病院前の方がより有用である可能性がある。しかしながら、これらの指標が病院前においてはいまだ比較されていない。本研究の目的は病院前で測定されたこれらの指標を比較し、qSOFAが病院前トリアージで有用であることを検証することとした。
方法:2015年1月から2016年12月に国立病院機構熊本医療センター救急外来に救急車で搬送された患者様について単施設後方視的研究を行った。救急車内で測定されたバイタルサインから算出されたqSOFA、Shock Index、SIRSの院内死亡に関するROC曲線下面積を比較した。また、Youden Indexを用いて感度特異度分析を行った。
結果:4,827名の患者が本研究に組み入れられた。qSOFAの院内死亡に関するROC曲線下面積(95%信頼区間)は0.64 (0.61 – 0.67)であり、SIRSの0.59 (0.56 – 0.62)、Shock Indexの0.58 (0.54 – 0.62)より有意に高かった。Youden Indexに基づき決定したカットオフ値(qSOFA≧2)によると、qSOFAの感度は52.3%で特異度は69.9%であった。
救命救急部長 原田正公
Makino Koji, Aoi Jun, Egashira Sho, Honda Noritoshi, Kubo Yosuke, Kawakami Yoko, Hayashi Hideyuki and Mochizuki Takashi
Med Mycol J. 2019; 60(1): 17-21. doi: 10.3314/mmj.18-00002.
A 66-year-old woman with diabetes who was treated with prednisolone (15 mg/day) for autoimmune hepatitis developed multiple erythematous nodules with retention of purulent fluid on her lower right limb. Candida albicans was cultured from the nodules. She was started on oral fluconazole, and the lesions subsided. However, multiple dark-red abscesses and indurations newly appeared on the left crus. Histopathological examination showed numerous branched hyphae, and tissue culture yielded a Rhizopus microsporus-related fungus. She was treated with liposomal amphotericin B combined with drainage and debridement. However, she died because of poor control of the infection and hepatic disorder.
症例は66歳、女性。自己免疫性肝炎に対しPSL15mg/日を内服中だった。右下腿の発赤と腫脹を生じ、有痛性硬結も多発し、抗菌薬が奏功しなかったため当院へ入院した。皮膚生検と膿汁培養検査より多発性カンジダ膿瘍と診断した。FLCZ100mg/日を内服し、状態は改善したので前医へ転院したが、左下腿発赤・熱感を生じて全身状態も急激に悪化したので再入院した。β-Dグルカン上昇と壊死脂肪織の菌糸より侵襲性アスペルギルス症を疑ったが、膿汁の培養検査および遺伝子検査にてRhizopus microsporus近縁菌を検出したため播種性ムコール症と診断した。抗真菌薬をL-AMB200mg/日に変更し、適宜切開排膿やデブリドマンを行ったが、入院43日目に死亡した。
皮膚科医長 牧野公治

Tanaka M., Okamoto M., and Murayama T
Surgical Case Reports 2016; 2:138
We report an interesting case of a 66-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with bilateral coronary ostial stenosis cardiovascular syphilis complicated by aortic regurgitation (AR). A 12-lead electrocardiogram and blood tests on arrival suggested AMI, and echocardiography showed moderate AR.
Emergency coronary angiography showed bilateral coronary ostial stenosis. The patient underwent emergency surgical treatment, coronary artery bypass grafting, and aortic valve replacement with a bioprosthetic valve. On arrival, rapid plasma reagin and Treponema pallidum hemagglutination tests were 172.2- and 1187.5-fold, respectively. These results suggested cardiovascular syphilis, which was confirmed by pathological findings. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was transferred to another hospital on postoperative day 25. This patient received intravenous penicillin for 2 weeks and subsequently oral amoxicillin.
When both AR and coronary ostial stenosis are found, it is necessary to consider the presence of cardiovascular syphilis.
心臓血管外科医長 田中睦郎

Haga Y, Ikejiri K, Wada Y, Ikenaga M, Koike S, Nakamura S, Koseki M
World Journal of Surgery 2015; 39(6): 1567-1577
Surgical audit is an essential task for the estimation of postoperative outcome and comparison of quality of care. Previous studies on surgical audits focused on short-term outcomes, such as postoperative mortality. We propose a surgical audit evaluating long-term outcome following colorectal cancer surgery. The predictive model for this audit is designated as ‘Estimation of Postoperative Overall Survival for Colorectal Cancer (EPOS-CC)’.
Thirty-one tumor-related and physiological variables were prospectively collected in 889 patients undergoing elective resection for colorectal cancer between April 2005 and April 2007 in 16 Japanese hospitals. Postoperative overall survival was assessed over a 5-years period. The EPOS-CC score was established by selecting significant variables in a uni- and multivariate analysis and allocating a risk-adjusted multiplication factor to each variable using Cox regression analysis. For validation, the EPOS-CC score was compared to the predictive power of UICC stage. Inter-hospital variability of the observed-to-estimated 5-years survival was assessed to estimate quality of care.
Among the 889 patients, 804 (90%) completed the 5-years follow-up. Univariate analysis displayed a significant correlation with 5-years survival for 14 physiological and nine tumor-related variables (p < 0.005). Highly significant p-values below 0.0001 were found for age, ASA score, severe pulmonary disease, respiratory history, performance status, hypoalbuminemia, alteration of hemoglobin, serum sodium level, and for all histological variables except tumor location. Age, TNM stage, lymphatic invasion, performance status, and serum sodium level were independent variables in the multivariate analysis and were entered the EPOS-CC model for the prediction of survival. Risk-adjusted multiplication factors between 1.5 (distant metastasis) and 0.16 (serum sodium level) were accorded to the different variables. The predictive power of EPOS-CC was superior to the one of UICC stage; area under the curve 0.87, 95% CI 0.85-0.90 for EPOS-CC, and 0.80, 0.76-0.83 for UICC stage, p < 0.001. Quality of care did not differ between hospitals.
The EPOS-CC score including the independent variables age, performance status, serum sodium level, TNM stage, and lymphatic invasion is superior to the UICC stage in the prediction of 5-years overall survival. This higher accuracy might be explained by the inclusion of physiological factors, thus also taking non-tumor-associated deaths into account. Furthermore, EPOS-CC score may compare quality of care among different institutions. Future studies are necessary to further evaluate this score and help improving the prediction of long-term survival following colorectal cancer surgery.
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Hirano T, Higuchi Y, Yuki H, Hirata S, Nosaka K, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Mitsuya H, Okuno Y
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology. 2015; 55(2): 83-88
A 60-year-old male patient suffered from mild exertional dyspnea, wheezing, and systemic blisters. He was diagnosed with paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) with follicular lymphoma in the pancreas head and pelvic cavity. He was first treated with eight cycles of rituximab; his blisters and erosions gradually improved and highly elevated levels of auto-antibodies related to PNP gradually decreased to normal levels. However, obstructive and restrictive respiratory failure still progressed. Computed tomography of the inspiratory and expiratory phases revealed obstructive pulmonary disorder, leading to a diagnosis of bronchiolitis obliterans (BO). The patient underwent plasma exchange and was repeatedly treated with rituximab monotherapy and rituximab-containing chemotherapies, but died 7 months after the diagnosis of BO. Early introduction of rituximab-containing regimens may be necessary to prevent the development of BO accompanying PNP. However, when a diagnosis of PNP-related BO is made, lung transplantation may also be considered for patients in whom rituximab-containing regimens are effective for PNP.
リツキシマブ単剤およびリツキシマブを含んだ化学療法は濾胞性リンパ腫に伴う 腫瘍随伴天疱瘡に有効だが続発する閉塞性気管支炎には無効である。
腫瘍随伴性天疱瘡の約3–4割に続発する閉塞性気管支炎(PNP-related BO)は致命的な疾患である。詳細な機序は不明であるが、自己抗体がその本態が想定され、ステロイドや免疫抑制剤が使用されるが、救命症例は肺移植に限られている。本症例はB細胞リンパ腫にPNPを続発し、Rituximabを含む治療によりPNPは寛解に、Dsg 1/3,BP 180は陰性化した。さらにanti-periplakinとanti-envoplakin陰性化し、B cell aplasiaにも関わらず、PNP related BOは進行した症例である。本症例からPNP related BOの進展には細胞性免疫の関与が示唆された。
血液内科医師 平野太一
Hirano T, Hashimoto M, Korogi Y, Tsuji T, Miyanaka K, Yamasaki H, Tsuda H
Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2016; 57(3): 726-727
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been widely used for various malignancies. Off-target effects of these multi-kinase inhibitors, however, can have an adverse effect on the kidney.
A 64 year-old female was diagnosed with Phiadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She received dasatinib containing chemotherapy, and cytogenetic remission of disease was obtained. Administration of dasatinib was continued at higher dose after first consolidation. She presented with periorbital and lower extremity edema. Excretion of urinary protein was 3.89g per 24h with low proteinuria selectivity index. Despite of PSL therapy for over 2weeks, nephrotic syndrome was exacerbated. Therefore we decided to stop dasatinib. Within 1 week of the cessation of dasatinib, proteinuria normalized and the nephrotic syndrome resolved. She has been re-administrered a reduced dosage of dasatinib, however, remains in molecular remission without recurrence of nephrotic syndrome.
This clinical course suggested that dasatinib induced nephrotic syndrome might be dose-dependent.
第2世代TKI dasatinibによるネフローゼ症候群の報告はこれまでに2症例あるが、いずれもdasatinib中止にて軽快している。稀ではあるが、マルチキナーゼ阻害剤によるネフローゼ症候群は注意すべき有害事象である。これまでの報告ではdasatinib中止し、再投与した症例はなかった。本症例では減量再投与でネフローゼ症候群の再燃なく、用量依存性であることが示唆された。今後のさらなる症例蓄積が望まれる。
血液内科医師 平野太一
Maeda Y, Kawano Y, Wada Y, Yatsuda J, Motoshima T, Murakami Y, Kikuchi K, Imamura T, Eto M
ONCOLOGY REPORTS 2015 Apr; 33(4): 1844-1850
The anaphylatoxin C5a is a chemoattractant for leukocyte migration via the C5a receptor (C5aR). We recently reported that C5aR was aberrantly expressed in a wide varietyof human related cancers, while it also promotes cancer cell invasion by C5a stimulation. However, the biological significance of C5aR expression in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has not yet been clarified.
In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the biological role of C5aR in RCC progression. Clinical RCC specimens were analyzed for C5aR expression and its relationship with baseline demographic data and clinicopathological parameters was analyzed. Moreover, renal carcinoma Renca cells stably expressing C5aR were generated and used to assess the effects of C5a-C5aR axis activation on various cellular phenomena in culture.
Immunohistochemistry revealed that 96.7% of the metastatic RCCs (mRCCs) showed C5aR expression, whereas only 50.5% of the non-metastatic RCCs expressed C5aR (P<0.001). Although C5a stimulation did not significantly alter anoikis of C5aR‑expressing Renca cells, C5a elicited cell morphological change and scattering of those cells accompanied with dynamic actin rearrangement, which was not observed in the Renca cells harboring the empty vector only. Moreover, C5a triggered ERK and PI3K‑dependent invasion of the C5aR-expressing renal carcinoma cells.
These results are consistent with the idea that the C5a-C5aR axis plays a crucial role in renal carcinoma cell invasion, which may be one of the key steps for RCC metastasis. The present study provides proof‑of‑concept that the C5a-C5aR axis may be a useful therapeutic target for preventing RCC progression.
転移性腎細胞癌におけるC5a受容体の発現とERK及びPI3 kinase経路を介した癌細胞浸潤における役割について
本論文では、限局性及び転移性腎細胞癌において根治的腎摘出術、腎部分切除術及び腎生検施行された127名について臨床・病理学的パラメータとC5aR発現との関連について検討を行った。また、C5aR定常発現株を作製し、C5a結合による様々な細胞現象について機能解析を行った。免疫組織化学的解析では、限局性腎細胞癌で50.5%にC5aRの発現を認めたが、転移性腎細胞癌においては96.7%と高頻度にC5aRの発現が認められ、転移性腎細胞癌におけるC5aR発現頻度の有意な上昇を認めた(p < 0.001)。C5aR定常発現株においてC5a刺激は細胞の形態学的変化を誘発しアクチンの再構成を誘導した。さらにイムノブロッディングにおいてC5a刺激は、C5aR定常発現株におけるRaf/MEK/ERK経路およびPI 3 K/Akt経路の活性化を認めた。Invasion assayにおいては、C5a刺激によりC5aR定常発現株の浸潤亢進を認めた。以上より、C5aRの発現は、C5aとの結合を介してシグナル伝達経路の活性化および細胞骨格の再構成を誘導し、腎細胞癌における浸潤能の獲得に重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆された。また、C5a-C5aR結合は、腎細胞癌の転移能獲得において重要な過程の1つであると推定された。
泌尿器科医長 前田喜寛
Takemoto S, Iwanaga M, Sagara Y, Watanabe T
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2015; 16(18): 8253-8258
Elevated levels of soluble CD 30 (sCD30) are linked with various T-cell neoplasms. However, the relationship between sCD 30 levels and the development of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) in human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) carriers remains to be clarified. We here investigated whether plasma sCD 30 is associated with risk of ATL in a nested case-control study within a cohort of HTLV-1 carriers. We compared sCD 30 levels between 11 cases (i.e., HTLV-1 carriers who later progressed to ATL) and 22 age-, sex- and institution-matched control HTLV-1 carriers (i.e., those with no progression). The sCD 30 concentration at baseline was significantly higher in cases than in controls (median 65.8, range 27.2–134.5 U/mL vs. median 22.2, range 8.4-63.1 U/mL, P=0.001). In the univariate logistic regression analysis, a higher sCD 30 (≥30.2 U/mL) was significantly associated with ATL development (odds ratio 7.88 and the 95% confidence intervals 1.35-45.8, P = 0.02). Among cases, sCD 30 concentration tended to increase at the time of diagnosis of aggressive-type ATL, but the concentration was stable in those developing the smoldering-type. This suggests that sCD 30 may serve as a predictive marker for the onset of aggressive-type ATL in HTLV-1 carriers.
血漿中の可溶性CD 30レベルと成人T細胞白血病(ATL)発症の危険性との関連について調べるために、HTLV-1キャリアコホート内症例対照研究を行った。我々は可溶性CD 30レベルを、後にATLを発症した11例と、発症しなかった22例の、それぞれ年齢・性・施設(病院)をマッチさせたHTLV-1キャリアで比較した。そのCD 30レベルは発症したキャリアの方が有意に高かった(median 65.8, range 27.2–134.5 U/mL vs. median 22.2, range 8.4–63.1 U/mL, P=0.001)。単変量ロジスティック回帰分析の結果、高いCD 30レベル(≥30.2 U/mL)はATLの発症との関連を示した(odds ratio 7.88 and the 95% confidence intervals 1.35-45.8, P = 0.02)。後にATLを発症したキャリアの中で、可溶性CD 30レベルは悪性度の高い病型の診断時に上昇する傾向がみられたが、くすぶり型の発症時には変化がみられなかった。
臨床検査科長 武本重毅
Takemoto S, Pornkuna R, Nishioka C
Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Disease. 2015;3(3): 205. doi: 10.4172/2329-8790.1000205
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is one of aggressive mature T-cell malignancies. CD30 is a cell membrane protein expressed on activated T-cell. While a limited number of ATL cells show the CD30 expression, high levels of soluble CD30 (sCD30) are detected in serum of ATL patients. It is known that a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM)10 and ADAM17 are ubiquitously expressed in peripheral leukocytes including T cells. They are sheddases of CD30 and IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) from cell surface as well as cleaving enzymes of E-cadherin and extracellular matrix. High levels of sIL-6R/IL-6 complex induce CRP production in the liver of ATL patients. Therefore the elevation of sCD30 and CRP levels indirectly indicated the activation status of ATL cells and the risk of invasion and tissue injury of important organs such as lung via metalloproteinases activation on ATL cells in vivo. Activated ATL cells may play a role for clinical aggression in ATL.
成人T細胞白血病(ATL)は、悪性度の高い成熟T細胞腫瘍である。CD 30は、その一部の腫瘍細胞表面に発現しており、細胞膜上のメタロプロテアーゼであるADAM 10とADAM 17のはたらきにより、遊離し可溶性CD 30(sCD 30)となる。ADAM 10とADAM 17はCD 30の他に、インターロイキン6受容体(IL-6 R)を血清中に遊離し、あるいは組織の細胞間をつなぐE-カドヘリンや細胞外マトリックスを切断する。血清中の可溶性IL-6 R(sIL-6 R)は患者肝臓でのCRP産生を誘導するので、結果として、sCD 30レベルならびにCRPレベルの上昇は、腫瘍細胞膜上のメタロプロテアーゼ活性状態を表しており、そのため肺組織障害などを引き起こす悪性度の高い活性化腫瘍細胞の存在が示唆された。
Takemoto S, Pornkuna R
Gerontology & Geriatric Research. 2015; 4(1)202. doi: 10.4172 /2167 -7182. 1000202
It’ll be essential to cooperate with foreigners during a rise in the percentage of the aged population in recent years, because of this unsustainable national medical emergency situation as well as problems of other industries in Japan. In November 2009, we made a contract for our sister hospitals between National Hospital Organization Kumamoto Medical Center and Khon Kaen Regional Hospital, Khon Kaen, Thailand. And we began to share our knowledge and experience with staff in kinds of medical fields each other to promote the mutually beneficial international cooperation initiatives. We tried to compare the medical issues between our aging countries and pave the way for elderly care in Thailand in the future to reveal. Because Thailand will face a critical situation in which the rate of aging is increasing rapidly. It’s necessary for Thailand to prepare for the super-aging population in the near future. From our experiences evaluation of health and social services for Thai elderly is not ready to face the situation of aging population. The health care system for elderly people should be required to reform soon.
臨床検査科 武本重毅
Haga Y, Miyamoto A, Wada Y, Takami Y, Takeuchi H
HPB 2016; 18(3): 271–278
It has previously been reported that a general risk model, Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS), and its modified version, mE-PASS, had a high predictive power for postoperative mortality and morbidity in a variety of gastrointestinal surgeries. This study evaluated their utilities in proximal biliary carcinoma resection.
E-PASS variables were collected in patients undergoing resection of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder carcinoma in Japanese referral hospitals.
Analysis of 125 patients with gallbladder cancer and 97 patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (n = 222). Fifty-six patients (25%) underwent liver resection with either hemihepatectomy or extended hemihepatectomy. The E-PASS models showed a high discrimination power to predict in-hospital mortality; areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (95% confidence intervals) were 0.85 (0.76–0.94) for E-PASS and 0.82 (0.73–0.91) for mE-PASS. The predicted mortality rates correlated with the severity of postoperative complications (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient: ρ = 0.51, P < 0.001 for E-PASS; ρ = 0.47, P < 0.001 for mE-PASS).
The E-PASS models examined herein may accurately predict postoperative morbidity and mortality in proximal biliary carcinoma resection. These models will be useful for surgical decision-making, informed consent, and risk adjustments in surgical audits.
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫

Kosaka T, Asao C, Tawara S
Internal Medicine 2014; 53: 2751-2752
A 53-year-old man presented with diplopia and a gait disturbance. Brain MRI revealed a lesion with heterogeneous intensity on T2-weighted images (T2WI) and low intensity in part on T2* images, consistent with the features of a cavernous angioma involving the central tegmental tract (CTT). Eight months later, follow-up MRI disclosed another lesion with no contrast enhancement in the inferior olive (IO). Coronal and sagittal MRI views demonstrated an egg-shaped contour that corresponded to the whole shape of the IO. Hypertrophic olivary degeneration (HOD) is a rare condition, characterized by enlargement of the IO with hyperintensity on T2WI. HOD is caused by interruption of the dentate-rubro-olivary pathway, i.e., the so-called Guillain-Mollaret triangle, involving the CTT. It is therefore important to be aware of this condition so as not to misinterpret any new lesions as being due to other diseases, such as tumor formation, multiple sclerosis, infarction, inflammatory diseases or systemic neurodegenerative disorders. The detection of an egg-shaped contour on T2WI is useful for making the differential diagnosis of IO lesions.
下オリーブ核は、延髄腹側に両側対称性に位置する神経核のひとつである。下オリーブ核、小脳歯状核、赤核には線維連絡が存在し、ギラン・モラレー三角(Guillain-Mollaret triangle)という回路を形成していることで有名である。この回路に障害が生じると、その線維の連結先である核の神経細胞に経シナプス的に二次的な変性をもたらすことが知られ(経シナプス変性)、下オリーブ核仮性肥大(HOD:Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration)もそのひとつである。今回われわれは、赤核から下オリーブ核に連絡する中心被蓋路の病変によりHODを生じた1例を経験した。HODにおける画像所見として、頭部MRIT 2強調画像における下オリーブ核に腫大を伴う高信号病変は従来より広く知られていたが、前額断や矢状断を用いた下オリーブ核の卵円形の全体像(egg-shaped appearance)の描出に関する報告は認めなかった。
筆者は新潟脳研究所病理学教室にて神経病理学の研鑽を積んだため、病理標本にてHODを目にしたことはあったが、生きた患者さんの診療においてHODの症例を経験したことはなかった。標本上では病変を二次元的にしか視認することができなかったが、今回の頭部MRIでは病変である下オリーブ核の卵円形の全体像を三次元的に確認することができた点で非常に興奮を覚えた。一般的に論文を書く最も強い動機は、周囲の人に知ってもらいたいという願望である。今回のタイトル中にあるegg-shaped appearanceという用語は、下オリーブ核の卵円形の外観をとらえることができたことへの興奮を表現したかったために作った筆者の造語であり、多くの読者に同じ興奮を共有してもらえたらと考え報告した。
神経内科医長 小阪崇幸
Morita K, Haga Y, Miyanari N, Sawayama H, Matsumoto K, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2015; 8C: 179-181. doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.01.047
INTRODUCTION:The presence of an omphalomesenteric duct (OMD) remnant is a rare condition that typically affects the pediatric population. This report describes an extremely rare case of an OMD remnant that was diagnosed and resected by laparoscopic surgery in an adult.
PRESENTATION OF CASE:A 52-year-old man underwent a medical examination at our hospital for right lower quadrant pain. Laboratory findings showed slight leukocytosis and an elevated C-reactive protein level. A luminal structure connected to the umbilicus was detected in the right pelvic wall by abdominal computed tomography, and an OMD remnant was suspected. Laparoscopic surgery was performed by inserting three trocars into the left side of the abdomen; no trocars were inserted near the umbilicus. This procedure provided both a good field of view around the umbilicus and adequate working space. We definitively diagnosed the structure as an OMD remnant and resected it with minimal invasion. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 7 without complications. Pathologic analysis found the lumen is covered by ileum-like mucosa, and a microabscess is formed in the surrounding fat tissue.
DISCUSSION:OMD remnants are uncommon, and their diagnosis is difficult. Most reports advocate for prompt surgical resection in symptomatic patients.
CONCLUSION:In the present case, definitive diagnosis and treatment were accomplished with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.
外科医長 森田圭介
Takemoto S, Iwanaga M, Sagara Y, Watanabe T
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015; 16(18): 8253-8
Elevated levels of soluble CD30 (sCD30) are linked with various T-cell neoplasms. However, the relationship between sCD30 levels and the development of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) in human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) carriers remains to be clarified. We here investigated whether plasma sCD30 is associated with risk of ATL in a nested case-control study within a cohort of HTLV-1 carriers. We compared sCD30 levels between 11 cases (i.e., HTLV-1 carriers who later progressed to ATL) and 22 age-, sex- and institution-matched control HTLV-1 carriers (i.e., those with no progression). The sCD30 concentration at baseline was significantly higher in cases than in controls (median 65.8, range 27.2-134.5 U/mL vs. median 22.2, range 8.4-63.1 U/mL, P=0.001). In the univariate logistic regression analysis, a higher sCD30 (≥30.2 U/mL) was significantly associated with ATL development (odds ratio 7.88 and the 95% confidence intervals 1.35-45.8, P = 0.02). Among cases, sCD30 concentration tended to increase at the time of diagnosis of aggressive-type ATL, but the concentration was stable in those developing the smoldering-type. This suggests that sCD30 may serve as a predictive marker for the onset of aggressive-type ATL in HTLV-1 carriers.
血漿中の可溶性CD30レベルと成人T細胞白血病(ATL)発症の危険性との関連について調べるために、HTLV-1キャリアコホート内症例対照研究を行った。我々は可溶性CD30レベルを、後にATLを発症した11例と、発症しなかった22例の、それぞれ年齢・性・施設(病院)をマッチさせたHTLV-1キャリアで比較した。そのCD30レベルは発症したキャリアの方が有意に高かった(median 65.8, range 27.2-134.5 U/mL vs. median 22.2, range 8.4-63.1 U/mL, P=0.001)。単変量ロジスティック回帰分析の結果、高いCD30レベル(≥30.2 U/mL)はATLの発症との関連を示した(odds ratio 7.88 and the 95% confidence intervals 1.35-45.8, P = 0.02)。後にATLを発症したキャリアの中で、可溶性CD30レベルは悪性度の高い病型の診断時に上昇する傾向がみられたが、くすぶり型の発症時には変化がみられなかった。
臨床検査科長 武本重毅
Haga Y, Ikejiri K, Wada Y, Ikenaga M, Takeuchi H
Gastric Cancer 2015; 18. 138-46
BACKGROUND: Previous studies for surgical audit have focused on short-term outcomes, such as perioperative mortality. There has been no gold standard how to evaluate quality of care for long-term outcomes in surgical oncology. This preliminary study aims to propose a method for surgical audit targeting long-term outcome following gastrectomy for gastric cancer.
METHODS: We prospectively investigated a set of variables relating to physiologic conditions, tumor characteristics and operations in patients who underwent gastrectomy for gastric cancer between June 2005 and July 2008 in 18 referral hospitals in Japan. Overall survival (OS) is the endpoint. Cox hazard regression analysis was used to generate a model to predict OS. The calibration and discrimination power of the model were assessed using the Hosmer – Lemeshow (H-L) test and area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC), respectively. The ratio of observed-to-estimated 5-year OS rates (OE ratio) was defined as a measure of quality.
RESULTS:Among 762 patients analyzed, 697 (91 %) completed the 5-year follow-up. The constructed model for OS exhibited a good discrimination power (AUC, 95 % confidence interval 0.89, 0.86–0.91), which was significantly better than that for the UICC stage (0.81, 0.77–0.84). This model also demonstrated a good calibration power (H-L: χ2 = 27.2, df = 8, P = 0.77). The OE ratios among the participating hospitals revealed no significant variation between 0.74 and 1.1.
CONCLUSIONS: The current study suggests the possibility of surgical audit for postoperative OS in gastric cancer. Further studies including high-volume centers will be necessary to validate this idea.
本研究は、国立病院機構EBM推進のための大規模臨床研究として行われたアウトカム研究である。本研究では、胃癌に対する待機的切除術を受けた患者の術後5年全生存率を患者の身体要因と腫瘍要因から予測する統計モデルEPOS-GCを開発した。次に、参加病院毎に術後5年全生存率(観察5年生存率)とEPOS-GCから算出される予測5年生存率を求め、両者の比(Observed-to-Expected rates ratio: OE ratio)を各施設の技術水準の指標とした。つまり、OE ratioが1より大きい病院は、観察5年生存率が予測5年生存率よりも高く、医療技術水準が標準より高いことを示す。逆に、OE ratioが1より小さい病院は医療技術水準が標準より低いことを示す。参加病院のOE ratioを算出すると、0.74~1.1の間にあり、有意な格差はみられなかった。
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫

Haga Y, Miyanari N, Takahashi T, Koike S, Kobayashi R, Mizusawa H, Nakamichi C
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2013; 45(10): 773-779
BACKGROUND: Risk factors for catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) may change over time with progress in infection control. This study was undertaken to explore the current risk factors for CRBSIs in hospitalized patients.
METHODS: Adult patients with non-tunneled central venous catheters (CVCs) in 12 Japanese referral hospitals were prospectively enrolled between December 2009 and January 2012. Patients were monitored for CRBSIs for up to 8 weeks from CVC insertion; data were collected regarding patient characteristics, the purpose of CVC insertion, insertion methods, mechanical complications during insertion, and post-insertion catheter care.
RESULTS: A total of 892 patients were enrolled in this study. The overall incidence of CRBSIs was 0.40 infections per 1000 catheter-days. Univariate analysis using the Fisher’s exact test identified one of the participating hospitals (hospital A; p < 0.001), internal jugular vein catheterization (IJVC) (p = 0.0013), not using maximal sterile barrier precautions (p = 0.030), and the Seldinger technique for catheter insertion (p = 0.025) as significant risk factors for CRBSI. After excluding data from hospital A, only IJVC remained a significant risk factor for CRBSI (p = 0.025). The cumulative probability of remaining without CRBSI was significantly lower in patients with IJVCs than in patients with other catheter routes (p < 0.001; log-rank test). Similarly, the cumulative probability of remaining without catheter removal due to a suspected infection was significantly lower in patients with IJVCs (p = 0.034; log-rank test).
CONCLUSIONS: The current study suggests that IJVC might be a risk factor for CRBSI under current infection control conditions.
成人入院患者におけるカテーテル関連血流感染症の危険因子 — 多施設コホート研究
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Haga Y, Wada Y, Saitoh T, Takeuchi H, Ikejiri K, Ikenaga M
Journal of Hepato-biliary Pancreatic Sciences 2014; published online. doi: 10.1002 / jhbp.105.
BACKGROUND: The present study evaluated the utility of general surgical risk models to predict postoperative morbidity and mortality in the specialty field of pancreatic resections for pancreatobiliary carcinomas.
METHODS: We investigated Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS), its modified version (mE-PASS), and Portsmouth Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity (P-POSSUM) in 231 patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy or distal pancreatectomy (Group A). We also analyzed E-PASS and mE-PASS in another cohort of the same procedures (Group B, n = 313).
RESULTS: Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for detecting in-hospital mortality in Group A were moderate at 0.75 for E-PASS, 0.69 for mE-PASS, and 0.69 for P-POSSUM. The predicted mortality rates of the models significantly correlated with severity of postoperative complications (ρ = 0.17, P = 0.011 for E-PASS; ρ = 0.15, and P = 0.027 for P-POSSUM). The AUCs were also moderate in Group B at 0.68 for E-PASS and 0.69 for mE-PASS. The predicted mortality rates significantly correlated with severity of postoperative complications (ρ=0.18, P=0.0018 for E-PASS; ρ=0.17, and P=0.0022 for mE-PASS).
CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that the predictive powers of general risk models may be moderate in pancreatic resections. A novel model would be desirable for these procedures.
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Haga Y, Wada Y, Takeuchi H, Furuya T
World Journal of Surgery 2014; 38(5): 1177-1183
BACKGROUND: The incidence of complicated choledochocystolithiasis is increasing with the aging of society in Japan. We evaluated the utility of our prediction rule modified estimation of physiologic ability and surgical stress (mE-PASS) in predicting postoperative adverse events in patients with choledochocystolithiasis.
METHODS: A total of 4,329 patients who underwent elective surgery for choledochocystolithiasis in 44 referral hospitals between April 1987 and April 2007 were analyzed for mE-PASS along with postoperative events. The discrimination power of mE-PASS was assessed by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). The correlation between ordinal and interval variables was quantified by the Spearman rank correlation (ρ). The ratio of observed-to-estimated mortality rates (OE ratio) was used as a metric of surgical quality.
RESULTS: Postoperative in-hospital mortality rates were 0% (0/3,442) for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 0.19 % (1/521) for open cholecystectomy, 1.6 % (1 /63) for laparoscopic choledochotomy, 1.1 % (3/264) for open choledochotomy, and 5.1 % (2 /39) for plasty or resection of the common bile duct. mE-PASS demonstrated a high discrimination power to predict in-hospital mortality; AUC, 95 % confidence interval (CI) of 0.96, 0.94–0.99. The predicted mortality rates significantly correlated with the severity of postoperative complications (ρ = 0.278, p < 0.0001) and length of hospital stay (ρ = 0.479, p < 0.0001). The OE ratios (95 % CI) improved slightly over time; 1.5 (0.25-9.0) between 1987 and 2000, and 0.40 (0.078–2.1) between 2001 and 2007.
CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that mE-PASS can predict postoperative risks in patients who have undergone choledochocystolithiasis. mE-PASS may be useful in surgical decision making and evaluating the quality of care.
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Honda T, Fujimoto K, Miyao Y
Postepy Kardiol Interwencyjnej 2013; 9(3); 286-290
We report two cases of successful percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)using a 4-in-3 “Slender Mother and Child” PCI technique. In both cases, coronary angiography revealed severe stenosis of the right coronary artery(RCA). In both cases, 5-Fr sheathless guiding catheters were inserted into the RCA(virtual 3-Fr PCI)but stents could not pass through because of stents previously implanted at the proximal site of the target lesions. After 4-Fr straight “child” guiding catheters were inserted into the 5-Fr sheathless “slender mother” guiding catheters, they were deployed successfully at the target lesions. This system might be useful to improve stent delivery in virtual 3-Fr PCI.
虚血性心臓病に対する経皮的冠動脈インターベンション(PCI)は低侵襲化がすすんでいるが、ガイドカテーテルの細径化(slender PCI)によるPCI手技の制限が問題となることがある。今回は5-Frガイドカテーテルを用いたシースレスシステム(Virtual 3-Fr PCI)においてステント留置に難渋した2症例で、子カテを使用した4-in-3 slender mother and child PCI techniqueにより治療に成功したので症例報告した。
循環器内科医長 本多剛
Honda T, Fujimoto K, Miyao Y, Koga H, Ishii M
Journal of Cardiology Case 2014; 9: 67-70
We report a case of acute myocardial infarction caused by left anterior descending artery occlusion presenting as ST elevation in the inferior leads and ST depression in the precordial leads, suggesting an involvement of the right coronary artery (RCA). However, coronary angiography (CAG) showed a complete occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and collaterals from the left circumflex coronary artery and the RCA. Although he underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), he had chest pain at four days after primary PCI. His electrocardiogram (ECG) showed precordial ST elevation, suggesting an involvement of the LAD. Emergent CAG showed a complete occlusion of the proximal LAD without collaterals, but his ECG showed precordial ST elevation that was different from ST changes seen on admission. These unusual ST-segment changes might be associated with a weaker anterior ischemia due to collaterals and a strong inferior ischemia due to wrapped LAD artery.
下壁誘導のST上昇と前壁誘導のST低下を呈した 左冠動脈前下行枝閉塞による急性心筋梗塞の一例
循環器内科医長 本多剛
Honda T, Fujimoto K, Miyao Y, Koga H, Ishii M
Journal of Cardiology 2013; published online doi: 10.1016 /j.jjcc. 2013. 10. 007.
Background: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is prevalent and has serious consequences including re-infarction and death. Cigarette smoking is a coronary risk factor for AMI, although a “smoker’s paradox” for AMI has been reported in Western countries. On the other hand, some researchers have reported that smoking is associated with subacute stent thrombosis (SAST) after AMI. However, the occurrence of this condition is not well documented in Japan. The aim of this study was to clarify how prior smoking status may affect prognosis, including SAST, in Japanese patients with AMI.
Methods: A total of 266 consecutive patients with AMI were enrolled retrospectively in the study if they had undergone emergency coronary intervention (bare metal stent) within 24 h of symptom onset, and had a 5–10 month follow-up examination. The patients were divided into three groups based on their cigarette smoking status (non-smokers, past smokers, and current smokers).
Results: Current smokers were significantly younger than the other two groups, although their levels of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly higher. White blood cell count and hemoglobin level on admission were also significantly higher in current smokers compared with the other two groups. The incidence of SAST was significantly higher in current smokers than in the other groups, although the occurrence of heart failure after AMI was similar in the three groups. On the other hand, improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction was observed in non-smokers and past smokers, but not in current smokers. Multiple logistic analysis revealed that current smoking was an independent risk factor for SAST (odds ratio 5.4; p < 0.05). Current smokers were about five times more likely to have a SAST compared with non-smokers.
Conclusions: These findings indicate that current cigarette smoking predicts SAST after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for AMI in Japanese patients.
喫煙は急性心筋梗塞患者における 亜急性ステント内血栓閉塞の独立した危険因子である
今回は急性心筋梗塞後のステント内血栓症を含めた予後について、入院前の喫煙状態に従い(current smoker /past smoker /non-smokerの3群に分けて)検証した。ステント血栓症はcurrent smokerにおいて高頻度だったが、心不全発症に差はなかった。またcurrent smokerでのみ慢性期の心機能改善を認めなかった。喫煙は心筋梗塞後のステント内血栓症につながることが示唆された。
循環器内科医長 本多剛
Honda T, Fujimoto K, Miyao Y, Koga H, Ishii M
European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2014; published online. doi: 10.1016 / S0 140-6736(08) 61345-8
Background: It has been reported that early statin treatment can reduce the incidence of symptomatic heart failure and ischemic events after acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
Method: We studied 235 consecutive patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention within 24 hours after the onset of AMI and had a follow-up examination 5 to 10 months after AMI. They were divided into four groups based on type of statin treatment: early statin treatment (EST), delayed statin treatment (DST), no statin treatment (NST), and transient statin treatment (TST).
Results: There were no differences in coronary risk factors between the EST and DST groups. During follow-up (196 days), 18 patients (7.66%) were admitted for congestive heart failure (CHF). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the absence of EST (odds ratio, 5.83; p<0.05), Killip class ≥II (odds ratio, 5.27; p<0.01) and heart rate (odds ratio, 1.02; p<0.05) on admission were associated with the occurrence of CHF. Although the LV end-diastolic volume index significantly increased at follow-up compared with baseline in both the DST and NST groups ( p<0.05 for each), it didn’t in the EST group.
Conclusion: These findings indicated that EST might reduce the occurrence of CHF through attenuation of LV remodeling after AMI.
早期スタチン治療の遅れは急性心筋梗塞後の うっ血性心不全に対する心保護作用を減弱する
循環器内科医長 本多剛
Honda T, Fujimoto K, Miyao Y, Koga H, Ishii M
The Scientific World Journal 2014; published online. doi: 10.1155/2014/946803
Background: Acutemyocardial infarction (AMI) is accompanied by excessive production of catecholamines, which is characterized by a hypokalemic dip. A polymorphism of the adrenergic receptor has also been reported to be associated with target lesion revascularization (TLR) after coronary intervention.
Subjects and Methods: We enrolled 276 consecutive patients with AMI within 24 hours of symptom onset, who underwent emergency coronary intervention using bare metal stents and had examinations over a 5–10-month follow-up period. The patients were divided into tertiles based on their serum potassium level on admission (low K, <3.9; mid K, ≥3.9, <4.3; and high K, ≥4.3).
Results: Sixty – four TLRs were observed in the study. Increased potassium concentration was associated significantly with TLR. Patients in the high K group were about two and a half times more likely to have a TLR after AMI compared to those in the low K group. Multiple logistic analysis showed that potassium level on admission was an independent risk factor for TLR (odds ratio 1.69;confidence interval 1.04 to 2.74;P = 0.036).
Conclusions: These findings indicated that increased potassium levels on admission might predict TLRs in AMI patients treated with bare metal stents.
循環器内科医長 本多剛
Kashiwabara K, Yamane H, Tanaka H
Cancer Investigation 2013; 31: 251-257
We retrospectively analyzed overdosing-related toxicity and prognosis in 127 women with lung cancer who received carboplatin (6 AUC) estimated by the Cockcroft-Gault formula using actual body weight and paclitaxel (200 mg/m2). There was no difference in dose intensity of carboplatin (122 mg/m2/week vs. 124 mg/m2/week, p=0.323), toxicity and median overall survival (285 days vs. 282 days, p=0.820) between in the body mass index (BMI) > 25 group (n=42) and the BMI ≤ 25 group (n=85), although reductions due to Grade 4 neutropenia were more frequent in the second cycle of the BMI > 25 group (39% vs. 13%, p=0.003). Women with BMI > 25 did not have an increased risk of chemotherapy toxicity because of an appropriate dose reduction.
Cockcroft – Gault(CG)式によるCcr値で計算された カルボプラチン(CBDCA:6 AUC)と、体表面積で計算されたパクリタキセル(PTX:200 mg/m2)による2剤治療が施行された女性肺癌患者127例を対象として、肥満群(BMI>25、n=42)と非肥満群(BMI≦25、n=85)に分けて毒性と予後を後ろ向きに検討した。両群間でCBDCA(124 mg/m2/week vs. 122 mg/m2/week、p=0.323)量に有意差は観察されなかった。肥満群では2コース目のG4好中球減少症(13% vs. 39%, p=0.003)が多いことを除けば両群間の毒性に相違はなく、生存中央値にも有意差は観察されなかった(285日vs. 282日、p=0.820)。適切な減量基準によって肥満女性への抗がん剤治療は安全に施行されていた。
呼吸器内科部長 柏原光介
Miyazaki N, Haga Y, Matsukawa H, Ishimura T, Fujita M, Ejima T, Tanimoto H
Surgery Today 2014; 44(8): 1443-1456
PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to establish a model to predict the post-operative mortality for emergency surgeries.
METHODS: A regression model was constructed to predict in-hospital mortality using data from a cohort of 479 cases of emergency surgery performed in a Japanese referral hospital. The discrimination power of the current model termed the Calculation of post-Operative Risk in Emergency Surgery (CORES), and Portsmouth modification of the Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the en Umeration of Mortality and morbidity (P-POSSUM) were validated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) in another cohort of 494 cases in the same hospital (validation subset). We further evaluated the accuracy of the CORES in a cohort of 1,471 cases in six hospitals (multicenter subset).
RESULTS: CORES requires only five preoperative variables, while the P-POSSUM requires 20 variables. In the validation subset, the CORES model had a similar discrimination power as the P-POSSUM for detecting in-hospital mortality (AUC, 95 % CI for CORES: 0.86, 0.80–0.93; for P-POSSUM: 0.88, 0.82–0.93). The predicted mortality rates of the CORES model significantly correlated with the severity of the post-operative complications. The subsequent multicenter study also demonstrated that the CORES model exhibited a high AUC value (0.85: 0.8–0.89) and a significant correlation with the post-operative morbidity.
CONCLUSIONS: This model for emergency surgery, the CORES, demonstrated a similar discriminatory power to the P-POSSUM in predicting post-operative mortality. However, the CORES model has a substantial advantage over the P-POSSUM in that it utilizes far fewer variables.
我々は国立病院機構熊本医療センターで行われた479例の緊急手術症例をロジスティック回帰分析で解析し、術後在院死亡率を予測するモデルを開発し、CORESと命名した。CORESの予測精度は同じく国立病院機構熊本医療センターで行われた別の緊急手術症例(モデル検証群)を対象とし、イギリスで開発された術後死亡予測モデル P-POSSUMとROC曲線下面積を用いて比較した。さらに、多施設(6病院)で得られた緊急手術症例(多施設群)を対象とし、CORESの予測精度を検証した。 モデル検証群 (n=494) における在院死亡予測のROC曲線下面積は、CORESで0.86であり、P-POSSUMの0.87と同等の予測精度を示した。多施設群 (n=1471) においても在院死亡に関するROC曲線下面積は0.85と高値を示した。
麻酔科医長 宮﨑直樹
Okamoto M, Tanaka M, Ishii, Honda T, Koga H, Miyao U, Fujimoto K, Murayama T
General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2013; published online, doi 10.1007/s11748-013-0274-9
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is rare and usually affects younger women in the peripartum period. Here, we report an interesting case of a 34 – year – old woman with spontaneous coronary artery dissection that occurred 1 month after childbirth. Emergency coronary angiography showed stenosis of the left anterior descending artery, but immediately afterwards, a new occlusion of the right coronary artery occurred. Intravascular ultrasound was used to image both right and left coronary arteries. The new occlusion of the right coronary artery was probably iatrogenic, but the left coronary artery occlusion was spontaneous. The patient underwent percutaneous coronary intervention in the right coronary artery because of her unstable hemodynamic condition. Revascularization of the left coronary artery was performed by bypass grafting. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 30. As the optimal treatment for spontaneous coronary artery dissection has not yet been established, treatments should be based on the patient’s clinical presentation.
心臓血管外科部長 岡本実
Hiraki Y, Yoshida M, Masuda Y, Inoue D, Tsuji Y, Kamimura H, Karube Y, Takaki K, Kawano F
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2013; 17(12): e1234-e1236
Objective: In recent years, carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) infections have been responsible for outbreaks in medical facilities. A 35-year-old Japanese woman developed a skin and soft tissue infection due to carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii. The purpose of this study was to investigate efficacy of ampicillin-sulbactam (ABPC / SBT) with the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections caused by carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii.
Methods: The isolate was resistant to antibiotics other than ABPC / SBT and colistin, suggesting drug resistance due to carbapenemase production by blaOXA-23-like. We selected a combination therapy consisting of intravenous ABPC / SBT and meropenem (MEPM).
Results: No changes were observed in aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, blood urea nitrogen, or serum creatinine during therapy, and carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii was not detected in wound exudates 3 days after therapy initiation. In our patient’s case, combination therapy with ABPC/SBT and MEPM was successful.
Conclusions: Thus, combination therapy with ABPC / SBT and MEPM is effective against skin and soft tissue infection due to carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii. Combination therapy with intravenous ABPC / SBT and MEPM may be an option for skin and soft tissue infections due to carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii.
近年、カルバペネム耐性アシネトバクタバウマニー(MDRA)感染症は、医療施設でのアウトブレイクの原因となっている。当院でも、35歳の日本の女性がMDRAによる皮膚・軟部組織(SAST)感染症を発症した。 そこで、MDRAによるSAST感染症治療において、アンピシリン・スルバクタム(ABPC / SBT)とメロペネム(MEPM)併用療法の有効性について検討を行った。患者より分離されたMDRAはABPC / SBTとコリスチン以外の全ての抗生物質に耐性を示した。また、耐性メカニズムは、blaOXA-23-like 由来のカルバペネマーゼ産生であると示唆した。我々は、ABPC / SBTとMEPMの併用療法を開始した。治療期間中、血液学データの変動や重篤な有害事象も認められなかった。そして、MDRAに対するABPC / SBTとMEPMによる併用療法は成功した。これらのことより、ABPC / SBTとMEPMによる併用療法は、MDRAによるSAST感染症に対して効果的であると考えられる。ABPC / SBTとMEPMによる併用療法は、MDRAによるSAST感染症のためのオプションであるかもしれない。
副薬剤科長 平木洋一
Tawara S, Yonemochi Y, Kosaka T, Kozaki Y, Takita T, Tsuruta T
Internal Medicine 2013; 52: 751-756
OBJECTIVE: To explore the opinions of outpatients concerning a new communication method: the self-management of assessed personal problems in health information records (SAPPHIRE) using patients’ mobile phones to store and share medical content (medical SAPPHIRE, or m-SAPPHIRE).
METHODS: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Patients Outpatients who visited us from March 1 to May 30, 2012, were asked to complete a questionnaire survey regarding SAPPHIRE and m-SAPPHIRE. The m-SAPPHIRE data consisted of a problem list, height, weight, waist size and active medication list. Ten questions were asked regarding the usefulness of m-SAPPHIRE, the sharing of m-SAPPHIRE and the use of mobile phones to store m-SAPPHIRE data.
RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-three patients (male/female, 79/114; mean age, 57±21 years) were registered: 95.9% answered that m-SAPPHIRE would be useful, 98% agreed to manage their personal health records by themselves, and 95.8%, 93.8%, and 92.8% of the patients responded that they would allow m-SAPPHIRE information to be shared with family members, medical workers, and health care providers, respectively. Of the patients, 75.1% responded that they owned a mobile phone, and 43.5% answered that they could enter m-SAPPHIRE information into a mobile phone by themselves, while 27.5% responded that they could do so with someone’s help.
CONCLUSION: Patients believe that m-SAPPHIRE would be useful for retrieving their health records during emergency situations or for sharing with family members and medical and health care providers. SAPPHIRE using mobile phones could be an inexpensive and legal method for sharing medical data.
神経内科医長 俵哲
Fujimoto K, Otsuka T, Yoshizato K, Kuratsu J
Clinical Neurol and Neurosurgery 2014; 118(3): 94-97
OBJECTIVE: Acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) usually requires emergency surgical decompression, but rare cases exhibit rapid spontaneous resolution. The aim of this retrospective study was to identify factors predictive of spontaneous ASDH resolution.
METHODS: A total of 366 consecutive patients with ASDH treated between January 2006 and September 2012 were identified in our hospital database. Patients with ASDH clot thickness > 10mm in the frontoparietotemporal region and showing a midline shift > 10mm on the initial computed tomography (CT) scan were divided into two groups according to subsequent spontaneous resolution. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors predictive of rapid spontaneous ASDH resolution.
RESULTS: Fifty – six ASDH patients met study criteria and 18 demonstrated rapid spontaneous resolution (32%). Majority of these patients were not operated because of poor prognosis/condition and in accordance to family wishes. Univariate analysis revealed significant differences in use of antiplatelet agents before head injury and in the incidence of a low-density band between the hematoma and inner wall of the skull bone on the initial CT. Use of antiplatelet agents before head injury (OR 19.6, 95% CI 1.5-260.1, p=0.02) and the low-density band on CT images (OR 40.3, 95% CI 3.1-520.2, p=0.005) were identified as independent predictive factors by multivariate analysis.
CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggested that use of antiplatelet agents before head injury and a low-density band between the hematoma and inner skull bone on CT images (indicative of cerebrospinal fluid infusion into the subdural space) increase the probability of rapid spontaneous resolution.
脳神経外科 藤本健二
Pornkuna R, Wongkhantee S, Jinathongthai S, Shimogawa S, Takemoto S
Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Disease 2014; 2(3): doi.org/10.4172/2329-8790. 1000152
After rising to the highest level of life expectancy ever in the early 21st century, Japan is expected to become an aged society the links of which no other country in the world has experienced. The aging rate in Kumamoto exceeds the national average and is one of the top ranking long living societies in Japan. The old population of Khon Kaen is also the second-largest of aging population in Thailand. More than 2,500 patients with malignant neoplasm were treated every year at National Hospital Organization Kumamoto Medical Center (KMC) in Japan as well as at Khon Kaen Regional Hospital (KKH) in Thailand. Especially KMC had so many patients older and equal 60 years accounted for 70% of those patients. Patients with malignant tumors in KMC were in the 8th decade (29.6% in 2011), while those in KKH were in the 6th decade (26.1% in 2011). In addition, the number of patients with cancer was increasing at KKH, while it was stable at KMC. Transfusion products, particularly red blood cell supply increased, which correspond to the increasing ageing population at Kumamoto, Japan. KKH is one of 25 regional blood centers in Thailand and blood cell supply increased year by year, suggesting not only developing system of blood bank but also increasing elderly patients who need blood transfusion for their therapy. Now under the limits of medical resources, we are to provide the best healthcare (prevention of diseases) in the extent permitted by the country’s economic situation.
臨床研究部 ポルンクナ ラティオン
Pornkuna R, Takemoto S, Hidaka M, Kawano F, Haga Y
Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Disease 2014, 2:6; doi.org/10.4172/2329-8790. 1000167
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) is an incurable neoplasm of mature T-cells with a median survival time of approximately one year. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical value of soluble CD30 (sCD30) levels with soluble IL-2 receptor α chain (sIL-2R) levels in two different clinical settings of ATLL patients; before an initial therapy of chemotherapy or gastric resection (n=32), and before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT; n=24). All patients completed the 2-year follow-up. Both sIL-2R (p=0.016) and sCD30 (p=0.030) levels were significant predictors of overall survival before the initial therapy. The number of ATLL cells in peripheral blood (PB) was correlated with sCD30 levels (Spearman’s correlation coefficient, ρ=0.46; p=0.009) but not with sIL-2R levels (ρ=0.16; P=0.38). Patients who survived for longer than two years, and for whom the percentage of ATLL cells in PB were <5%, displayed relatively low sCD30 levels, but this tendency for low sCD30 levels was not observed in long- term survivors whose ATLL cells constituted ≥5% of PB cells. sIL-2R (p=0.041) and sCD30 (p=0.0003) values were both significant predictors of overall survival in HSCT, but sCD30 levels predicted more patients with early death than were predicted by sIL-2R levels. Combination of sCD30 and CRP levels showed high sensitivity and specificity for detection of early death (within 100 days) following HSCT (81.8% and 84.6%, respectively). These results suggest that analysis of sCD30 levels may be useful for prediction of overall survival in ATLL patients, especially before HSCT. These findings would alter the treatment strategy and improve the prognosis of ATLL.
臨床研究部 ポルンクナ ラティオン
Takemoto S, Morimatsu Y, Pornkuna R, Murayama T, Kawano F
Journal of Leukemia 2014, 2:5; doi.org/10.4172/2329-6917. 1000166
Changes in the serum level of the soluble form of CD30 (sCD30) in a patient with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma were monitored throughout the indolent phase, acute crisis, and relapse. The level of sCD30 was elevated prior to the development of laboratory data abnormalities. In addition, the elevated sCD30 level was associated with clinical manifestations in the lung, including malignant pleural effusion, which is a diagnostic criterion of acute crisis. The sCD30 level correlated with clinical aggressiveness, and the lung lesion reoccurred on the same side as the original lesion. These data suggest that microenvironment or minimal residual disease formed in the right lung. Pathological examination of lung biopsy at the indolent phase revealed accumulated CD30+ cells among CD3+CD45RO+ T cells. The serum level of sCD30 correlated with clinical aggressiveness, indicating that the small population of CD30+ cells plays an important role in the progression of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
臨床検査科長 武本重毅

Hiraki Y , Hiraike M, Nagano M, Ozono Y, Manabe K, Misumi N, Tsuji Y, Kamimura H, Karube Y
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 44(8): 630-634
Objective:We investigated the pharmacokinetics of gentamicin (GM) in a haemodialysis (HD) patient treated for endocarditis caused by methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Methods:Distribution volume (VD) was obtained by dividing the administered dose by Cmax. The rate of decrease in plasma GM concentration between the beginning and end of HD was obtained by dividing the difference between the concentration just after administration and that just after the end of HD, by length of the HD. Results:In HD patients treated with GM, it is possible to achieve target Cmax values of short duration for maximizing clinical effects, in addition to low trough levels, similar to those observed for once-daily regimens with other aminoglycoside drugs for patients with creatinine clearances of 20 ml/min. Conclusions:We recommend that GM administration plans for dialysis patients should include the monitoring of GM concentrations to maximize clinical effectiveness and prevent side effects. To estimate the peak concentration, blood should be collected immediately after GM administration. The findings presented in this paper suggest that the use of GM for infectious disease treatment in terminal renal failure patients is enabled by administering GM just prior to dialysis.
MRSAによる感染性心内膜炎透析患者のゲンタマイシン(GM)のPKの調査を行い、透析患者におけるGMの投与タイミングについて検討を行った。その結果、GMを用いた治療を受ける血液透析患者では、良好な臨床効果を得るため、短期間にGMの血中濃度をCmax に到達させ、低いトラフ濃度へ移行することは可能である。しかし、そのためには、GM投与直後の濃度を測定しCmaxの予測を行い、透析除去率により適正なトラフ濃度を得る投与量の設定を行う必要がある。この方法により感染症を発症した末期腎不全患者へのGMの投与が可能となると示唆した。
副薬剤科長 平木洋一
Hiraki Y, Tsuji Y, Misumi N, Hiraike M, Matsumoto K, Morita K, Kamimura H, Karube Y
Renal failure 2013; 35(3): 418-420
血液透析による Linezolid の除去率と薬物動態の検討
Objective:Linezolid (LZD) is an option for treating infections caused by methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The protein-binding rate of LZD markedly influences its elimination by dialysis, with limited data suggesting that LZD is cleared by intermittent hemodialysis. Methods:Here, we investigated the protein-binding rate and elimination efficiency of LZD in a sepsis patient receiving dialysis. Results: The oral administration of LZD at 600 mg/day resulted in protein-binding and free rates of the drug of 20.4% and 79.6%, respectively, 24 h after administration. By comparing the LZD concentration before and after dialysis, the elimination efficiency of free LZD as a result of dialysis was found to be 40.6%. Conclusion: Our sepsis patient showed higher plasma concentrations of LZD at trough after hemodialysis than the reported concentrations in normal renal function patients. However, it is not clear from our present findings if a relationship exists between myelosuppression and plasma LZD concentration.
副薬剤科長 平木洋一
Honda T, Fujimoto K, Miyao Y, Koga H, Hirata Y
Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics 2012; 27(3): 174-180
The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for access site-related complications after transradial coronary angiography (CAG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Transradial PCI has been shown to reduce access site-related bleeding complications compared with procedures performed through a femoral approach. Although previous studies focused on risk factors for access site-related complications after a transfemoral approach or transfemoral and transradial approaches, it is uncertain which factors affect vascular complications after transradial catheterization. We enrolled 500 consecutive patients who underwent transradial CAG or PCI. We determined the incidence and risk factors for access site-related complications such as radial artery occlusion and bleeding complications. Age, sheath size, the dose of heparin and the frequency of PCI (vs. CAG) were significantly greater in patients with than without bleeding complications. However, body mass index (BMI) was significantly lower in patients with than without bleeding complications. Sheath size was significantly higher and the frequency of statin use was significantly lower in patients with than without radial artery occlusion. Multiple logistic analysis revealed that sheath size [odds ratio (OR) 5.5;P<0.05] and BMI (OR 0.86;P<0.01) were risk factors for bleeding complications;and sheath size (OR 5.2;P<0.05) and the lack of statin pretreatment (OR 0.50;P<0.05) were risk factors for occlusive complications. In conclusion, these findings indicate that down-sizing of the devices used in transradial procedures might attenuate access site – related complications after transradial CAG or PCI. Statin pretreatment might also be a strategy that could prevent radial artery occlusion after transradial procedures.
循環器内科医長 本多剛
Kosaka T, Fu YJ, Shiga A, Ishidaira H, Tan CF, Tani T, Koike R, Onodera O, Nishizawa M, Kakita A, Takahashi H
Neuropathology 2012; 32: 373-384
Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) is clinically defined as a disorder selectively affecting the upper motor neuron (UMN) system. However, recently it has also been considered that PLS is heterogeneous in its clinical presentation. To elucidate the association of PLS, or disorders mimicking PLS, with 43-kDa TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) abnormality, we examined two adult patients with motor neuron disease, which clinically was limited almost entirely to the UMN system, and was followed by progressive frontotemporal atrophy. In the present study, the distribution and severity, and biochemical profile of phosphorylated TDP-43 (pTDP-43) in the brains and spinal cords were examined immunohistochemically and biochemically. Pathologically, in both cases, frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin inclusions (FTLD-U) was evident, with the most severe degeneration in the motor cortex. An important feature in both cases was the presence of Bunina bodies and/or ubiquitin inclusions, albeit very rarely, in the well preserved lower motor neurons. The amygdala and neostriatum were also affected. pTDP-43 immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of many positively stained neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCIs) and dystrophic neuritis/neutrophil threads in the affected frontotemporal cortex and subcortical gray matter. By contrast, such pTDP-43 lesions, including NCIs, were observed in only a few lower motor neurons. pTDP-43 immunoblotting revealed that fragments of ~25-kDa were present in the cortices, but not in the spinal cord in both cases. Genetically, neither of the patients had any mutation in the TDP-43 gene. In conclusion, we consider that although PLS may be a clinically significant disease entity, at autopsy, the majority of such clinical cases would present as upper-motor-predominant amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with FTLD-TDP.
筋萎縮性硬化症(ALS)は上位および下位運動ニューロン(UMN and LMN)を侵すもっとも知られた運動ニューロン疾患である。一方、原発性側索硬化症(PLS)は臨床的にUMNのみを侵す運動ニューロン疾患として定義されているが、病理学的には、ユビキチン免染導入以来、UMNに加えLMNにも変性を認める例や大脳の萎縮(前頭側頭葉変性)が明らかな例などの報告がみられ、純粋な病理型としてのPLSの存在は否定的である。2006年、神経細胞内ユビキチン封入体を示す前頭側頭葉変性症(FTLD)およびALSに共通の病的タンパクとして新たにTDP-43が同定された。今回われわれは、臨床病理学的にPLSの特徴を示した2剖検例について、病的TDP-43(pTDP-43)沈着の広がりとその程度、さらにその生化学的プロファイルについて解析した。その結果、PLSはUMN症状を初発・主症状とし、剖検時、LMNはほぼ保たれ、高度にUMNを侵すALSの病態に、FTLD-TDPとそれに酷似する生化学的所見を伴うユニークなTDP-43プロテイノパチーである可能性が示された。
神経内科医長 小阪崇幸
Kosaka T, Kuroha Y, Tada M, Hasegawa A, Tani T, Matsubara N, Koike R, Toyoshima Y, Takahashi H
Neuropathology 2013; 33: 93-101
Post-polio syndrome (PPS) characterized by new neuromuscular problems can appear many years after acute poliomyelitis in polio survivors. We report a 77-year-old man with antecedent poliomyelitis who newly developed neuromuscular disease with a clinical course of 27 years, the final 10 years of which were characterized by apparent progression, thus raising doubt as to the clinical diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) following PPS. Pathologically, plaque-like, old poliomyelitis lesions were found almost exclusively in the lumbosacral cord, showing complete neuronal loss and glial scars in the anterior horns. Although less severe, neuronal loss and gliosis were also evident outside the old lesions, including the intermediate zone. Moreover, symmetrical degeneration of the corticospinal tracts, as evidenced by CD 68 immunostaining, was a feature of the white matter of the lower spinal cord. In the motor cortex, loss of Betz cells was also confirmed. Synaptophysin immunostaining of the lumbosacral cord also revealed decreased expression outside the old lesions, excluding the posterior horn. Interestingly, decreased expression of synaptophysin was also evident in the cervical anterior horns, where no old lesions were observed. No Bunina bodies, TDP-43 inclusions, or Golgi fragmentation were found. Neurogenic atrophy was evident in the iliopsoas and scalenus muscles, and inclusion body myositis-like changes were also observed in the these muscles and the tongue. Was it possible to have diagnosed this patient as having ALS ? We consider that the feature in this case may have represented the pathology of long-standing and/or fatal PPS itself, and not ALS.
神経内科医長 小阪崇幸
Okamoto M, Tanaka M, Tamori Y, Haga Y, Murayama T
Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Dec; 61(12): 723-727
Although thymomas are the most common anterior mediastinal neoplasm, those causing cardiac tamponade are unusual. To the best of our knowledge, only 13 cases have been proven in the English literature We report thymoma in a 66 – year old man that caused cardiac tamponade, for which he underwent an emergency operation. On admission, he presented in a shocked state;his echocardiography results revealed pericardial effusion. Computed tomography scan indicated a thymoma infiltrating the right lung. Initially, pericardial drainage was performed through puncture; however, cardiac tamponade recurred next day. Pericardial drainage, thymectomy, and pericardiectomy were performed, but the tumor was incompletely resected. On postoperative day 2, right upper lobectomy was attempted but discontinued because of the impossibility to manipulate the pulmonary hilum, which was suspected to have tumor infiltration. He was discharged on the 27th day after the first operation, is alive at 10 months after surgery, and is under chemotherapy.
心臓血管外科部長 岡本実
Takahashi T, Harada M, Kikuno T, Ujihara M, Sadamitsu D, Manabe Y, Yasaka M, Takayama H, Kobori S, Araki E
Acute Medicine & Surgery 2014; 1: 17-22
Aims: The fact that Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) increases the risk of atherosclerosis has been epidemiologically studied and proven; however, a prospective study on the prevalence of MetS in stroke patients has never been conducted because of the difficulty in diagnosis under critical illness in the acute phase. Therefore, we conducted a prospective multicenter study to investigate the prevalence of MetS in stroke patients with modified diagnostic criteria for MetS.
Methods: Stroke patients admitted in the seven participating Emergency and Critical Care Centers within the two years from April 2007 were registered in this study as a prospective multicenter study. Inclusion criteria were 50 to 89 year-old stroke patients who presented within three days from the onset of symptoms. A total of 992 subjects were classified according to the stroke type and the prevalence of MetS and the associated risk factors were investigated. The participants in a medical checkup without any history of a stroke were enrolled as the control group, and compared between the two groups.
Results: The prevalence of MetS as well as hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in the infarction group was significantly higher than that in the non-stroke group. While the hemorrhage group showed no significant difference in the prevalence of MetS, only hypertension was significantly high. According to a subtype analysis, there is a significant correlation between waist circumference increment of the stroke patients and the prevalence of the risk factors of hypertension, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia.
Conclusions: Different risk factors are significantly related to the type of stroke.
メタボリックシンドローム(MetS)が動脈硬化性疾患のリスクを高めることは多数の疫学研究により示されているが、脳卒中発症患者に於けるMetS有病率についての前向き研究は、脳卒中発症直後の重篤な身体状況でのMetS診断の難しさ故に行われていない。 今回われわれは、救命救急センターに搬送された新規脳卒中発症患者に於けるMetSの有病率について、独自のMetS診断基準を作成し前向き多施設共同研究を行った。
その結果、梗塞性脳卒中患者では検診者に比べ有意にMetS有病率が高く、高血糖、脂質異常も同様に高率であった。 また、出血性脳卒中患者においては検診者との間にMetS有病率の有意差は認められなかったが、高血圧のみが有意に高率であった。 さらに、サブ解析にて、脳卒中患者の腹囲と、高血圧、高血糖、脂質異常のリスクファクター有病率の相関が認めら、脳卒中の病型によりそれぞれ、異なった動脈硬化リスクファクターが関与していることが明らかとなった。
副院長 髙橋毅

Haga Y, Wada Y, Takeuchi H, Ikejiri K, Ikenaga M, Kimura O
Gastric Cancer 2012; 15 (1): 7-14
我々は予定消化器外科手術症例で術後死亡率を予測するモデルmE-PASSを開発したが、本研究では過去に行った複数のコホート研究のデータから、胃癌切除症例を選択し、mE-PASSの有用性を検討した。対象は1987年8月から2007年4月まで日本の地域中核病院で手術を受けた胃癌切除症例3,449例で、術後合併症の発生および術後死亡の有無、mE-PASSの予測死亡率を求めた。その結果、mE-PASSは術後合併症の重症度と良く相関し、且つ、術後死亡を正確に予測することが判明した。医療の質の指標として、実死亡率を予測死亡率で割った比(OE ratio)を6つの病院で調査すると、0.44~1.8の値を示し、有意な差はなかったが、病院間で技術格差が存在することが示唆された。また、全症例で研究期間を前期(1987年~2000年)、中期(2001年~2004年)、後期(2005~2007年)に分けて、OE ratioを求めると、時代の推移に伴ってOE ratioが低下していくことが判明した。以上より、mE-PASSは胃癌切除症例で術後死亡を正確に予測し、実臨床においても、また、医療の質の評価においても有用であることが示唆された。
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Kajihara I, Jinnin M, Yamane K, Makino T, Honda N, Igata T, Masuguchi S, Fukushima S, Okamoto Y, Hasegawa M, Fujimoto M, Ihn H
Am J Pathol 2012; 180 (2): 703-14
全身性強皮症の病態におけるThrombospondin-2 (TSP-2) の関与の検討
The aim of the present study was to determine the expression and role of thrombospondin-2 (TSP-2) in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Both TSP-2 mRNA levels and protein synthesis in cell lysates were significantly lower in cultured SSc fibroblasts than in normal fibroblasts; however, the TSP-2
protein that accumulated in the conditioned medium of SSc fibroblasts was up-regulated, compared with that of normal fibroblasts, because of an increase in the half-life of the protein. In vivo serum TSP-2 levels were higher in SSc patients than in healthy control subjects, and SSc patients with elevated serum TSP-2 levels tended to have pitting scars and/or ulcers. TSP-2 knockdown resulted in the down-regulation of type I collagen expression and the up-regulation of miR-7, one of the miRNAs with an inhibitory effect on collagen expression. Expression levels of miR-7 were also up-regulated in SSc dermal fibroblasts both in vivo and in vitro. Taken together, these findings suggest that the increased extracellular TSP-2 deposition in SSc fibroblasts may contribute to tissue fibrosis by inducing collagen expression. Down-regulation of intracellular TSP-2 synthesis and the subsequent miR-7 up-regulation in SSc fibroblasts may be due to a negative feedback mechanism that prevents increased extracellular TSP-2 deposition and/or tissue fibrosis. Thus, TSP-2 may play an important role in the maintenance of fibrosis and angiopathy in patients with SSc.
Thrombospondin (TSP) familyは細胞外マトリックスのひとつであり、TSP-1からTSP-5までの5種のサブタイプを有している。TSP-1およびTSP-5は、強皮症皮膚線維芽細胞において強発現を有しており、血清中で増加していることが報告されている。今回、TSP-2に関して検討したところ、皮膚線維芽細胞内において合成は低下している一方で、細胞外および患者血清中では増加していた。また皮膚線維芽細胞においてTSP-2は型コラーゲン合成を促進していた。以上より、強皮症の病態において、TSP-2の分解低下が起因となり線維化が亢進されている可能性が示唆された。
皮膚科 梶原一亨
Kashiwabara K, Okamoto T, Yamane H
Respirology 2012; 17: 92-98
胸水中K値が5.0 mEq/l以上である場合、胸水ADA高値は結核性胸膜炎の存在を示唆しない
Background and objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether high levels of pleural adenosine deaminase (pADA) are predictive for tuberculosis when pleural effusions do not satisfy the criteria for lymphocytic effusions or show neutrophil predominance.
Methods: This was a retrospective observational study of 147 consecutive patients with exudative pleural effusions that were diagnosed by analysis of fluid samples during a 3-year period from 1 April 2007 to 31March 2010.Multiple linear correlation tests were used to assess clinical variables as possible predictors of high pADA levels.
Results: High pleural LDH (pLDH) and pleural potassium (pK) levels were associated with high pADA levels (P < 0.0001). Although there was a linear correlation between pLDH and pADA levels in patients with parapneumonic effusions (PPE) (n = 75), tubercular effusions (n = 21), malignant effusions (n = 41) and miscellaneous effusions (n = 10), a significant linear correlation between pK and pADA levels was observed only in patients with PPE (r = 0.525, P < 0.0001).When the cut-off value for pK was set at 5.0 mEq/L, pADA levels were >50 IU/L and pK levels were >5.0 mEq/L in only one patient (5%) in the tuberculosis group (n = 21) and 15 patients (12%, all with PPE) in the nontuberculosis group (n = 126).
Conclusions: When pK levels exceed 5.0 mEq/L, high pADA levels do not necessarily indicate the presence of tuberculous pleuritis.
呼吸器内科部長 柏原光介
Hiraike M, Hiraki Y, Misumi N, Hanada K, Tsuji Y, Kamimura H, Karube Y, Kashiwabara K
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2012; 69 (3): 845-848
Purpose:We examined a method to determine the dose of carboplatin and the timing of hemodialysis in carboplatin-based chemotherapy for a hemodialysis patient with cancer. Methods:Carboplatin-based chemotherapy was performed for a patient with small-cell lung cancer who was receiving hemodialysis. The dose of carboplatin was calculated based on body surface area in the first cycle (480 mg/body, Day 1) and based on the Calvert formula with the aim of achieving AUC of 5 mg/mL·min in the second cycle (170 mg/body, Day 1). Carboplatin was continuously infused for 1 h on Day 1 of each cycle. Hemodialysis was performed for 4 h beginning 1 h after administration of carboplatin. Results:The AUC of free carboplatin administered in the first and second cycles was 13.45 and 5.74 mg/mL·min, respectively, and t1/2 was 24.66 and 21.84 h, respectively. Protein binding ratio depended on the time after administration and reached a value ≥50% only at ≥24 h administration.Conclusion:Based on the results of this study, a value close to the targeted AUC can be obtained in a hemodialysis patient with cancer when carboplatin is administered at a dose determined based on the Calvert formula. These results may be useful to achieve a targeted AUC in hemodialysis patients. A certain amount of carboplatin can be eliminated by performing hemodialysis in an early phase when protein binding ratio is low after transition to the elimination phase to enable stable the concentration.
薬剤科 平池美香子
Hiraki Y, Tsuji Y, Hiraike M, Misumi N, Matsumoto K, Morita K, Kamimura H, Karube Y
Scand J Infect Dis 201; 44 (1): 60-64
Linezolid (LZD) is a novel synthetic oxazolidinone antimicrobial agent with a unique mechanism of action compared with other existing agents. Although LZD treatment has been associated with similar or higher clinical response rates than vancomycin for methicillin-resistant S. aureus pneumonia, its use is not without risk. A high incidence of reversible thrombocytopenia has been reported in LZD-treated patients, particularly in those treated for 2 weeks or more. We evaluated the possible association between trough linezolid (LZD) concentrations and platelet counts using a dose – response curve with a logit model equation. We demonstrated that trough LZD concentrations correlated with platelet counts. A signifi cant decrease in platelet count was observed in patients with trough LZD concentrations higher than 22.1 μ g/ml.
我々は、既に血小板減少症およびヘモグロビン減少に及ぼすリネゾリドクリアランスの影響について検討を行い、リネゾリドクリアランス低下に伴うリネゾリド血中濃度の上昇が、赤血球および血小板減少症を誘発している可能性について示唆した。本報告では、血小板減少症を誘発するであろうリネゾリドの血中濃度についてロジット分析を用いた解析により推定を行った。その結果、リネゾリドの血中濃度が、22.1 μ g/ml以上になると血小板減少症を誘発する可能性があると示唆した。
副薬剤科長 平木洋一
Haga Y, Ikejiri K, Takeuchi H, Ikenaga M, Wada Y
J Surg Oncol. 2012;106 (7): 898-904
本研究では、過去に行った複数のコホート研究のデータから、原発性肝癌及び転移性肝癌手術症例960例を選択し、一般外科に適用される術後リスク評価モデルであるE-PASS 、mE-PASS、P-POSSUMが術後肝不全及び死亡の予測に有用であるかを検討した。術後肝不全の予測能をROC曲線下面積(95%信頼区間)で検討すると、E-PASS は0.89 (0.84–0.94)、mE-PASSは0.85 (0.78–0.92)、P-POSSUMは 0.78 (0.72–0.85)と良好であった。術後在院死亡のROC曲線下面積(95%信頼区間)は、E-PASS が0.85 (0.76–0.93)、mE-PASSが0.85 (0.78–0.92)、P-POSSUMが 0.79 (0.71–0.87)であった。しかし、すべてのモデルで在院死亡率は過大に予測されていた。即ち、E-PASS及び mE-PASSは実際の死亡率より2.3倍、P-POSSUMは2.9倍過大に死亡率を予測していた。
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫

Haga Y, Ikejiri K, Wada Y, Takahashi T, Ikenaga M, Akiyama N, Koike S, Koseki M, Saitoh T
Ann Surg 2011; 253(1): 194-201
Objective:This study was undertaken to evaluate a modified form of Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS) for surgical audit comparing with other existing models.
Background:Although several scoring systems have been devised for surgical audit, no nation-wide survey has been performed yet.
Methods:We modified our previous E-PASS surgical audit system by computing the weights of 41 procedures, using data from 4925 patients who underwent elective digestive surgery, designated it as mE-PASS. Subsequently, a prospective cohort study was conducted in 43 national hospitals in Japan from April 1, 2005, to April 8, 2007. Variables for the E-PASS and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status-based model were collected for 5272 surgically treated patients. Of the 5272 patients, we also collected data for the Portsmouth modification of Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity (P-POSSUM) in 3128 patients. The area under the receiver operative characteristic curve (AUC) was used to evaluate discrimination performance to detect in-hospital mortality. The ratio of observed to estimated in-hospital mortality rates (OE ratio) was defined as a measure of quality.
Results:The numbers of variables required were 10 for E-PASS, 7 for mE-PASS, 20 for P-POSSUM, and 4 for the ASA status-based model. The AUC (95% confidence interval) values were 0.86 (0.79–0.93) for E-PASS, 0.86 (0.79–0.92) for mE-PASS, 0.81 (0.75–0.88) for P-POSSUM, and 0.73 (0.63–0.83) for the ASA status-based model. The OE ratios for mE-PASS among large-volume hospitals significantly correlated with those for E-PASS (R = 0.93, N = 9, P = 0.00026), P-POSSUM (R = 0.96, N = 6, P = 0.0021), and ASA status-based model (R = 0.83, N = 9, P = 0.0051).
Conclusion:Because of its features of easy use, accuracy, and generalizability, mE-PASS is a candidate for a nation-wide survey.
どの病院が手術がうまいのかは、患者だけでなく、患者を紹介する医師においても重要な情報である。また、手術を行っている外科医にとっても実際自分たちが手術がうまいのかどうかは分からないのが実情である。このような状況で、外科の技術水準を客観的に評価するモデルは、世界中でいくつか開発されている。これらは当該病院の術後死亡率を手術の内容や患者の持つリスクで補正したもの(リスク補正死亡率)を指標としている。しかし、まだ国家規模の調査はどこの国においても行われていないのが現状である。今回我々は国立病院機構で、独自に開発した外科技術評価法E-PASSを改良し(以下、mE-PASS)、その有用性を、イギリスで開発された外科技術評価法P-POSSUM及びイタリアで開発されたASA-status based modelと比較検討した。その結果、mE-PASSは他のモデルと比べて術後死亡の予測精度が高く、且つ、入力項目が7項目と少ないことから、大規模調査に適していることが判明した。本研究で我々が開発したmE-PASSが普及することにより、全国の主要病院の外科の技術水準を定量できる日が訪れることが望まれる。これは必ず外科医の切磋琢磨、技術向上に繋がっていくものと考えられる。
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Haga Y, Wada Y, Takeuchi H, Ikejiri K, Ikenaga M
World J Surg 2011; 35(4): 716-722
Background:Anastomotic leak (AL) is a dangerous postoperative complication in gastrointestinal surgery. The present study focuses on whether our prediction scoring system, “Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress” (E-PASS), could predict occurrence of AL and its prognosis in various kinds of gastrointestinal surgical procedures. Methods:We prospectively investigated parameters of E-PASS, absence or presence of AL, and in-hospital mortality in 6,005 patients who underwent elective digestive surgery with alimentary tract reconstruction in 45 acute care hospitals in Japan between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2007. Results:Incidences of AL were 19.6% for esophagectomy via right thoracotomy and laparotomy, 11.7% for pancreaticoduodenectomy, 7.4% for low anterior resection, 4.0% for total gastrectomy, 1.8% for open distal gastrectomy, 1.3% for open colectomy, for an overall incidence of 4.1%. The incidence in each procedure significantly correlated with median value of surgical stress score of the E-PASS (R = 0.78, n = 11, p = 0.0048). The incidences of AL increased when Total Risk Points (TRP) of the E-PASS increased; 1.1% at the TRP range of <500, 2.8% at 500 to <1,000, 4.8% at 1,000 to <1,500, and 13.6% at ≥1,500 (p < 0.0001). In patients who suffered from AL, an in-hospital mortality rate at TRP < 1,000 was significantly lower than that at TRP of ≥1,000 (1.1 vs. 15.9%; p = 0.00019). Conclusions:The E-PASS, requiring only nine variables, may be useful in predicting AL and its prognosis.
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Haga Y, Wada Y, Ikenaga M, Takeuchi H, Ikejiri K
Dis Colon Rectum 2011; 54(10): 1293-1300
Background:We recently modified Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress, our prediction scoring system. Objective:This study evaluated the usefulness of our modified version for colorectal carcinoma in comparison with existing models. Design:This investigation studied a multicenter cohort. Settings:The study was conducted in regional referral hospitals in Japan.
Patients:Patients were included who underwent elective surgery for colorectal carcinoma.
Main Outcome Measures:Postoperative morbidity, mortality, and predicted mortality rates for original and modified Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress were investigated in 2388 patients in comparison with existing European models. Results:Among the models, the modified Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress demonstrated the highest discriminatory power in terms of in-hospital mortality (area under receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.84 for Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress, 0.87 for modified Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress, 0.84 for Portsmouth modification of POSSUM, 0.74 for ASA status-based model), as well as 30-day mortality (area under receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.82 for Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress, 0.84 for modified Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress, 0.81 for POSSUM, 0.78 for colorectal POSSUM, 0.76 for Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland score). British models, in general, overpredicted postoperative mortality rates by more than 10 times. Limitations:The current study analyzed only the Japanese population treated in medium-volume centers.
Conclusions:Among the models, modified Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress was the most accurate in predicting postoperative mortality in colorectal carcinoma surgery. These findings should be validated in Western populations, because the Japanese population may differ from Western populations in terms of body shape or reserve capacity.
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Honda T, Kanazawa H, Fujimoto K
Circulation Journal 2011; 75(11): 2714-2715
循環器内科 本多剛
Kotera A, Haga Y, Kei J, Okamoto M, Seo K
J Anesth. 2011; 25(4): 481-91
Purpose:Prediction of postoperative risk in cardiac surgery is important for cardiac surgeons and anesthesiologists. We generated a prediction rule for elective digestive surgery, designated as Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS). This study was undertaken to evaluate the accuracy of E-PASS in predicting postoperative risk in cardiac surgery.
Methods:We retrospectively collected data from patients who underwent elective cardiac surgery at a low-volume center (N = 291) and at a high-volume center (N = 784). Data were collected based on the variables required by E-PASS, the European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation (EuroSCORE), and the Ontario Province Risk Score (OPRS). Calibration and discrimination were assessed by the Hosmer–Lemeshow test and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), respectively. The ratio of observed-to-estimated in-hospital mortality rates (OE ratio) was defined as a measure of quality.
Results:In-hospital mortality rates were 7.6% at the low-volume center and 1.3% at the high-volume center, accounting for an overall mortality rate of 3.0%. AUC values to detect in-hospital mortality were 0.88 for E-PASS, 0.77 for EuroSCORE, and 0.71 for OPRS. Hosmer–Lemeshow analysis showed a good calibration in all models (P = 0.81 for E-PASS, P = 0.49 for EuroSCORE, and P = 0.94 for OPRS). OE ratios for the low-volume center were 0.83 for E-PASS, 0.70 for EuroSCORE, and 0.83 for OPRS, whereas those for the high-volume center were 0.26 for E-PASS, 0.14 for EuroSCORE, and 0.27 for OPRS.
Conclusions:E-PASS may accurately predict postoperative risk in cardiac surgery. Because the variables are different between cardiac-specific models and E-PASS, patients’ risks can be double-checked by cardiac surgeons using cardiac-specific models and by anesthesiologists using E-PASS.
本研究では、消化器外科予定手術症例を対象とした術後リスク予測モデルであるE-PASSが心臓外科領域にも応用できるかどうかを、心臓外科手術用として開発された他の術後リスク予測モデルであるEuroSCOREおよびOPRSと比較検討した。対象は、中規模病院Aで施行された心臓外科予定手術症例291例と、大規模病院Bで施行された心臓外科予定手術症例784例とを合わせた1075症例である。全症例で在院死亡率の予測能を検討すると、E-PASS は他のモデルより高い精度を示した。
救急科 小寺厚志
Hiraki Y, Tsuji Y, Matsumoto K, Morita K, Kamimura H, Karube Y
Am J Med Sci 2011; 342 (6): 456-460
Introduction::Although linezolid (LZD) has proven effective for the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Grampositivecocci, thrombocytopenia and anemia associated with reduced hemoglobin (Hb) levels are common side effects. To study the association between the development of these adverse effects and blood LZD levels, the authors evaluated the correlation between LZD clearance (LZD-CL), platelet (PLT) counts and Hb levels.
Methods:Sixteen patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection were administered LZD over a period of 4 to 41 days, and blood was collected at variable time points beginning on day 4 (n = 31). Blood LZD levels were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography, and LZD-CL was estimated by the population pharmacokinetics mean parameter and Bayesian methods. The relationship between the estimated LZD-CL and reductions in PLT counts and Hb levels was then evaluated by regression analysis.
Results:During the LZD treatment period, a weak correlation was identified between the LZD-CL rate and PLT counts (r2 = 0.31, n = 31). Significantly, the regression analysis between LZD-CL and Hb levels showed a stronger correlation (r2 = 0.54, n = 31), with Hb levels clearly decreasing with reductions in the LZD-CL rate. Conclusions:In patients undergoing treatment with LZD, low LZD-CL rates correlated with reductions of both PLT counts and Hb levels, suggesting that increase of blood LZD levels influences hematopoietic function. Because a strong correlation was noted between LZD-CL and Hb levels, closely monitoring changes in Hb levels during treatment with LZD may detect the development of adverse effects such as thrombocytopenia and anemia.
副薬剤科長 平木洋一
Tomitaka E, Murakami R, Teshima K, Nomura T, Hirai T, Hiraki A, Yamashita Y, Shinohara M, Oya N, Tomiguchi S
JJCO 2011; 41(4): 503-507
Purpose:To evaluate longitudinal changes in parotid volumes and saliva production over 2 years after 30-Gy irradiation. Methods and Materials:We retrospectively evaluated 15 assessable patients treated for advanced oral cancer. Eligibility criteria were a pathologic diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma, preoperative radiation therapy (RT) with a total dose of 30 Gy delivered in 15 fractions, and the availability of longitudinal data of morphological assessments by CT and functional assessments with the Saxon test spanning 2 years after RT. In the Saxon test, saliva production was measured by weighing a folded sterile gauze pad before and after chewing; the low-normal value is 2 g/2 min. Repeated-measures analysis of variance with Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons was used to determine the longitudinal changes.
Results:The ipsi- and contralateral parotid volumes (mean ± SD) before 30-Gy irradiation were 32.3 ± 6.0 cm3 and 33.4 ± 6.3 cm3, respectively. The normalized ipsilateral parotid volumes 2 weeks and 6-, 12-, and 24 months after RT were 72.5%, 63.7%, 66.9%, and 78.1%, respectively; the normalized contralateral volumes were 69.8%, 64.6%, 72.2%, and 82.0%, respectively. The bilateral parotid volumes were significantly decreased after RT (p < 0.01). The nadir appeared at 6 months post- RT and the volumes substantially recuperated 24 months after RT (p < 0.01). Mean saliva production before RT was 3.7 ± 1.9 g; the longitudinal changes after RT were 31.3%, 38.0%, 43.3%, and 69.6%, respectively. Substantial recuperation of saliva production was observed 24 months after RT (p = 0.01). Conclusion:Although parotid volumes and saliva production were decreased after 30-Gy irradiation, we observed recuperation of morphological and functional changes in the parotid glands 2 years after RT. Patients treated with RT for head-and-neck tumors should receive oral care for at least 2 years.
放射線科医長 冨髙悦司

Ishikawa Y, Kiyama T, Haga Y, Ishikawa M, Takeuchi H, Kimura O, Harihara Y, Sunouchi K, Furuya T, Kimura M
Ann Surg 2010; 251(4): 620-623
マキシマル・プリコーションは外科病棟でカテーテル関連血流感染症を減少させない: 多施設無作為比較試験
臨床研究部長 芳賀克夫
Hidaka M, Iwasaki S, Matsui T, Kawakita T, Inoue Y, Sakai T, Harada N, Takemoto S, Nagakura S, Kiyokawa T, Takahashi M, Saibara T, Onishi S, Kawano F
Bone Marrow Transplant 2010; 45(5): 912-918
臨床研究部技術開発研究室長 日高道弘
Takahashi T, Yamada S, Shimizu C, Kitada M, Sakurai T, Hashimoto S, Harada M
Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine. 2010; 21(4): 159-164
急性期脳梗塞患者におけるearly CT signの出現時間
背景:急性期脳梗塞患者において頭部CTで広範囲なearly CT signが認められれば血栓溶解療法の相対的禁忌となる。しかしながらearly CT signの出現時間について言及した報告はない。そこで発症時間がはっきりしている内頸・総頸動脈塞栓症と中大脳動脈幹部塞栓症の脳梗塞患者においてearly CT signの出現する時間を調べた。
方法:2002年1月から2007年12月の6年間に、当救命救急センターに搬送された内頸/総頸動脈塞栓症と中大脳動脈幹部塞栓症の脳梗塞患者を対象とした。発症から頭部CT検査までの時間を5つの時間枠(<0.5 h, 0.5–1 h, 1–1.5 h, 1.5–2 h, 2–3 h)に分類し各時間枠でのearly CT 出現の有無について調査した。
結果:合計104 症例 [内頸・総頸動脈塞栓症(n=23)、 中大脳動脈幹部塞栓症(n=81)] が調査された。頭部CTでの広範囲early CT signs の出現率は、時間枠<0.5 h(n=8)の患者では0 %、0.5–1 h(n=47)では48%、1–1.5 h(n=17)では71%で、1.5h以降(n=32)はすべての症例で出現していた。early CT signs 出現有群(n=37)と出現無群(n=67)の間で出現時間の有意差(p < 0.0001 Wilcoxon test) が認められ、広範囲early CT signsは発症から0.5–1 hの間に出現し始めることが判った。
臨床研究部予防医学研究室室長 高橋毅
Honda T, Kanazawa H, Koga H, Miyao Y, Fujimoto K
Journal of Cardiology 2010; 56(2): 197-203
循環器内科 本多剛
Hiraki Y, Onga T, Mizoguchi A, Tsuji Y
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2010; 35: 527-p532
Bayesian 法を用いたTDMに関する報告は多くされているが、推定された患者個々のパラメータを用いた予測精度についての報告はされていない。そこで、先発製剤のVCMにおける、Bayes 推定された患者個々のパラメータの予測精度について検討を行った。その結果、実測されたVCM濃度は10.43 ± 5.19 μg /mLに対し、Bayes 推定された患者個々のパラメータの予測値 9.62 ± 4.95 μg/mL であった。また、予測の偏りMEは-0.81μg/mLであり、予測のバラツキMAEは1.38μg/mLおよび予測の精度RMSE は1.74μg/mLであり、Bayes 推定された患者個々のパラメータを用いた予測精度は非常に良好であった。
薬剤科 平木洋一